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Marketing Articles: Mobile

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  • A Supercharged Sales Force: Power Your Organization Via Mobile Sales Enablement [Infographic]
    Smartphones and tablets are redefining sales because they offer a compelling blend of usability, utility, and innovation that's unachievable with personal computers. In short, mobile enablement can supercharge your sales. And this infographic outlines how. more
  • Four Tips for Using Instagram for Business
    Who would've guessed a few photo filters and instant sharing capabilities would produce a social hit? Instagram, that's who! The image-based social network, available on iPhone and Android smartphones, boasts more than 100 million users. Many are brands: Starbucks, NASA, MTV, and NBC News are some of the most successful Instagrammers. Recently, the ... more
  • Top 50 Websites: Google No. 1, Instagram Makes Debut
    Google Sites was the top-ranked Web property in August 2012, attracting some 187 million unique visitors, followed by Microsoft Sites with 170 million and Yahoo Sites with 164 million, and making its debut to the Top 50 was Instagram, at No. 48, with 26.0 million unique visitors, according to data ... more
  • Riding the iPhone 5 App Marketing Wave [Infographic]
    Some 10 million people will likely end up buying the new iPhone 5 in the 10 days after it hits stores on Sept. 21, 2012, and the iPhone 5's release will present a huge mobile app marketing opportunity for brands, according to Fiksu. more
  • Blue America Watches More Online Video Than Red
    Online video viewers living in blue states watched 26% more video content than those living in red states during the second quarter of 2012, according to Ooyala's Q2 Global Video Index Report, which also found that the proportion of time tablet viewers spent watching premium, long-form video jumped 47% over ... more
  • Shopping via Mobile: Top Item Categories, Buying Influencers
    Almost nine in ten mobile users (88.1%) say they regularly or occasionally research products via their smartphone or tablet, and nearly two in three (66.5%) regularly or occasionally purchase products via the mobile channel, according to a survey from Prosper Mobile Insights. more
  • Mobile Email Expected to Reach Tipping Point in 2013
    More than one-third of email messages across 12 key industries were opened via mobile devices in the first half of 2012, up from 20% one year earlier; moreover, for most brands, email opens via mobile are projected surpass 50% within the next 6-12 months, according to a report by Knotice. more
  • Our Multiscreen World: Smartphone Users' Media Consumption Patterns
    Among US smartphone owners, some 90% of the media they interact with (about 4.4 hours a day) is screen-based, and most of them (90%) move sequentially among multiple screens (TV, smartphone, tablet, and computer) to accomplish various tasks over time, according to a Google study. more
  • Pinterest's Impact on Users and on Your Brand
    We've mentioned Pinterest numerous times—enough to show we're Pin-crazy. But we're not the only ones! To back us up on our Pin interest, Compete has published charts about Pinterest's growth and its impact on marketers. Some quick stats: Pinterest has grown from 700,000 to 20,000,000 unique users ... more
  • Moms, Mobile, and Back-to-School [Infographic]
    To find out moms' thoughts about mobile during the back-to-school season, the Interactive Advertising Bureau and Meredith's Parents Network conducted a national survey of moms. more
  • Apple Nabs 33% of US Smartphone Market, Google Android 52%
    Google Android and Apple continued to expand their share of the US smartphone market during the three months ended July 2012: Apple captured 33.4%, up 2.0 points from the previous three-month period, while Android reached 52.2%, up 1.4 points, according to data from the comScore MobiLens service. more
  • The Battle of the Smartphones: Android vs. iPhone [Slide Show]
    by Christian Gulliksen
    Smartphone usage is up, up, up. In a global marketplace dominated by Android, traffic to websites has more than doubled in the last year. But this picture of Android's near monopoly changes when filtered through an e-commerce lens. more
  • Mobile Web Users: Media Consumption, Mobile Activities, Ad Tolerance, Demographic Profiles
    Among mobile Web users in the US, mobile media (via phones and tablets) was the the most popular way to consume media content in the second quarter of 2012: Mobile media accounted for 2.97 hours of the total 9.00 hours spent consuming media via all platforms during the day, outpacing ... more
  • Luxury Brands Boosting Online Marketing Spend
    More than three-quarters (77%) of luxury advertisers are expected to increase their investments in online marketing in 2012, according to the 2012 Luxury Brand Study by Martini Media, a new study based on a poll of 400 agency marketers who serve luxury brands. more
  • Social Guidelines Worthy of an Olympian
    Social media guidelines are the hallmark, and often the Achilles heel, of a solid social strategy. To be successful, your user guidelines need to be simple and facilitate right social behavior—instead of forcing visitors to wade through legalese. The worst thing a social media policy can do is make users feel ... more
  • Back-to-School: The Scoop on Technology, Texting, and Algebra
    Are laptops a back-to-school necessity for students? Not until high school, according to a new poll from SodaHead: A plurality (33%) of Americans say laptops should be allowed into classrooms when students reach high school, 25% say it's OK for laptops to be used in middle school, and 18% say ... more
  • Smartphone User Behavior, Activities, and Content and Media Consumption
    Aside from making phone calls, consuming mobile content is the most popular smartphone activity among owners of smartphones: 93% say they regularly access mobile content and information, while 59% access the Internet and 58% use email, according to a study by the Online Publishers Association. more
  • Purchases via Smartphone Have Highest Average Order Value
    The average order value (AOV) of smartphone traffic to online retailer websites reached $97.39 in the second quarter of 2012, higher than that of tablets ($96.11) and traditional devices ($91.86), according to a report by Monetate, which analyzed a random sample of more than 100 million online shopping experiences for ... more
  • Facebook and Mobile App Users Prefer Interactive Ads
    When using Facebook apps, only 28% of people prefer to view standard banner ads, whereas 72% prefer viewing immersive and integrated ads—those that offer virtual rewards or currency, or interactive video ads that occur during natural breaks in an app or game—according to a survey conducted by Harris Interactive on ... more
  • Tune Up Your App: Five Questions to Ask
    So, how's that app working for you? Is it binding users to your company, building brand equity, and providing high "exit barriers" for customers? That's what the big-time successful apps are doing best, notes Robert Plant in a post at the HBR Blog Network. If your app isn't performing up to ... more
  • Mobile Users More Satisfied With Tablets Than Smartphones
    Overall, mobile users appear to be more satisfied with their tablets than their smartphones, with Apple's iPad ranking highest in tablet consumer satisfaction (scoring 8.8 on a scale of 1 to 10), just edging out Amazon's Kindle Fire (at 8.7), according to data from comScore's newly launched TabLens service. more
  • Four Keys to a Successful Mobile Web Marketing Strategy
    by Anne Thomas
    Does your business have a mobile site that is designed with your mobile customer in mind? Is it a branded, usable, engaging experience? If the answer is no, or if you're not sure, you are not alone. One thing is clear, though: If your site isn't mobile friendly now, it's ... more
  • Leading Brands Becoming Active on Instagram
    The world's leading companies are becoming more active on Instagram, according to a new study by Simply Measured. Among the brands listed on the Interbrand Top 100, 40% now have an Instagram profile. more
  • Mobile Shopping: Top Apps, Retailer Websites, and More
    With smartphones now the majority of mobile phones in the US, shopping via mobile is more popular than ever: 47% of American smartphone owners used a mobile shopping app in June 2012, according to data from Nielsen. more
  • Brands Missing Out on Mobile Ad Opportunities
    Smartphone users who are familiar with mobile ads appear to be comfortable making a purchase or recommendation as a result of an ad, but many others still haven't viewed a mobile ad, according to a survey from Hipcricket Inc. more

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