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by Angela Natividad
As SXSW winds down, insights come flying: See videos on the most buzzed-about tech and startups, and learn to tell better brand stories via social. We've also got tips on ROI-effective Vines, Pinterest's new analytics service, updated mobile advertising guidelines, and the usual tidbits about Twitter, Facebook, Google... and even ...
by Lenna Garibian
In 2012, the government services industry (i.e., political advertisers during the election) recorded the biggest year-over-year growth in mobile advertising spend on Millennial Media's platform, up some 860%; still, retailers and restaurants remained the biggest spenders.
by Lenna Garibian
Buoyed by stock market gains as well as improvements in the housing and job markets, optimism among affluent Americans (who, BTW, apparently ascribe their own productivity to multitasking regularly) has reached a six-month high, according to Ipsos MediaCT's February 2013 Mendelsohn Affluent Barometer.
by Verónica Jarski
Google estimates that by 2013 more people will use mobile phones than desktops PCs to go online. After gathering research about the migration of PC users to mobile, Moovweb created this infographic.
by Verónica Jarski
Google is fast on its way to becoming a "mobile first" company: Within a year, mobile will become the primary way users access Google. So what does Google's mobile portfolio look like? And how does it profit from those products?
by Lenna Garibian
Apple increased its share of US smartphone subscribers and its lead in the handset market in January 2013, according to data from the comScore Mobilens service. Though Android is still the top smartphone platform in the US with 52.3% market share for the three-month period ended January, Apple's share grew ...
by Lenna Garibian
People are watching more video content with their mobile devices: The proportion of total time spent watching online video via tablets and smartphones reached 8% at the end of December 2012, double the 4% recorded a year earlier, according to the 2012 Year-End Video Index Report by Ooyala.
by Lenna Garibian
Google is the most popular Web destination among users of mobile devices, according to new data from Hitwise Mobile: Google attracted 17.27% of total Web traffic via mobile devices for the week ended February 23, 2013.
by Verónica Jarski
In 2012, an estimated 9.6 trillion text messages were sent out. What were all those texts about? Fortunately, you don't to have to read over someone's shoulder to find out. Leads360 did the research then created the following infographic.
by Lenna Garibian
Though email messaging is an important part of the selling process, texting can be an effective way to supplement email and phone channels, according to a study by Leads360. Sales prospects who receive SMS text messages during the sales process convert at a rate 40% higher than those who do ...
by Eric Olson
Slapping a QR code on a handout or a poster is easy, but creating something useful takes thought and planning. So what are QR codes good for? Plenty, including for your events, if you use QR codes wisely.
by Lenna Garibian
Social and mobile gaming ads are outperforming standard online ads, generating both higher average click-through rates and engagement levels than many online formats, according to a report released today by MediaBrix.
by Angela Natividad
This week was replete with value. Learn the "science of the Harlem Shake," see the first-ever Vine résumé, and score the story—and insights—on the Burger King Twitter hack. Also, we've got tools in droves...
by Lenna Garibian
Video viewing via mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, game consoles, etc.) rose dramatically in 2012, accounting for 12% of total video viewing in the fourth quarter, up 10 percentage points from 2% a year earlier, according to a report by FreeWheel.
by Chris Boyles
Sales organizations are starting to use tablet devices to create engaging mobile experiences that deliver transformational business results, driving new revenue, differentiating the buying experience, and solving big productivity problems.
by Lenna Garibian
Young adults are more likely than older adults to use major social media sites, and women, African-Americans, and Latinos are most likely to use Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, according to new data from Pew Research.
by Lenna Garibian
Though 59% of national brand marketers say local marketing is essential to their business growth and profitability, only 7% say they have highly evolved campaigns in place—complete with measurements and analytics—that can activate consumers at a local level, according to a report by the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council in ...
by Verónica Jarski
Figuring out which mobile approach to take can be complicated. Fortunately, Mutual Mobile has created an infographic that guides you to your destination through the process of elimination, so you know what you want (and what you don't).
by Joe Wozny
The next cultural shift your organization must pay attention to is mobile marketing—at the strategic planning level and at the tactical level. As a marketer, are you ready to ease your organization into mobile?
by Lenna Garibian
Ad clicks via tablet devices are projected to account for 20% of Google's paid-search revenues in the US by December 2013, up from 10.7% a year earlier, according to a new report from Marin Software. That would amount to roughly $5 billion in revenues from tablet ads alone for the ...
by Lenna Garibian
Despite its wealth and stronger economic growth, the US is adopting new media technologies —smartphone, tablet, and IPTV (Internet protocol television)—at a slower pace than other countries. The US now ranks No. 12 in the adoption of new media technologies, and it's expected to slip to No. 14 by 2015.
by Melody King
Online videos, which users love, have become useful marketing tools—for SEO, social media programs, and mobile and e-commerce. Here's how video will continue to make inroads in 2013.
by Jeff Fissel
You might already have your video marketing strategy figured out, but technology is always changing. Learn whether your video platform is future-proof, and get tips on making sure your video platform and enterprise videos remain accessible and useful as technology advances.
by Lenna Garibian
With the advent of digital, social, and mobile media, the consumer buying process has become more complex than simply identifying a need, exploring options, and making a purchase, according to new research conducted by Latitude and About.com. Even so, buying decisions appear to happening more quickly than ever, the study ...
by Ravi Kamran
Mobile marketing changes so rapidly that every day brings new developments, but some trends are here to stay, including the steady growth of mobile apps. To stay at the top of the mobile marketing game, you have to stay on top of these four trends.