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by Ayaz Nanji
Client-side marketers see improving customer experience as the most exciting digital opportunity of 2014, whereas agency marketers see mobile as the most exciting opportunity, according to a recent report from Adobe and Econsultancy.
by Michael Meinhardt
Around the world, more people than ever are buying mobile devices. As a marketer, you need to find ways to engage those mobile users. So, what are the challenges of doing so?
by Angela Natividad
Get the skinny on the selfie seen around the world, Apple's social media debut, ad platform updates, and Facebook's potential new toys (drones? Again?!). It's all a hop, skip, and a skim away.
by Verónica Jarski
The forecast for content marketing in 2014 includes higher quality of content, multiscreen marketing, and bigger budgets. How does your content marketing compare with those predictions?
by Ayaz Nanji
Active useage of WhatsApp, the messaging application that Facebook acquired for $19 billion, grew by 230% in North America in 2013, according to a recent report by GlobalWebIndex.
by Ayaz Nanji
Free mobile applications with in-app purchases (IAP) generate the most revenue in the Apple App Store, and the revenue share of this "freemium" model has steadily increased over time, according to a recent report by Distimo and Chartboost.
by Uriel Peled
There are proper and improper ways to use QR codes—which, when used correctly, are marketing marvels. Here are 10 of the worst, and best, examples of QR code use.
by Angela Natividad
Read the latest on Facebook's WhatsApp buy, LinkedIn’s "influential" publishing coup, and how some retailers use Instagram to drive love and sales. Skim to improve your social IQ!
by Ayaz Nanji
North Americans use their tablets most in the late evening and least in the early hours of the morning, according to a recent report from Chitika.
by James Ramsey
Mobile devices function as portable doorways to customers' digital homes. Are your customers opening the door for you?
by Angela Natividad
See how Airbnb took advantage of #SochiProblems to help users... and itself. Get the latest on Twitter’s redesign. And find out how Mark Jacobs turned social currency into a living, breathing brand experience.
by Angela Natividad
Read hilarious hotel livetweets from the Sochi Winter Olympics. See what marketing scored at the Super Bowl. Run effective social media contests. And, as always, learn from all that’s fit to print about the changing face of social! It’s all a Skim away.
by Ayaz Nanji
Nearly two-thirds (65%) of B2C marketing emails were opened on either a smartphone or a tablet in 4Q13, up from 61% in 3Q13, according to recent data from Movable Ink.
by Angela Natividad
Get your a-la-carte awesome this week: from VW's epic Super Bowl ad to Ogilvy's design tips for making shareable content. We've also got your Grammy goods, a treasure trove of business-facing social apps, and more. Skim to stay snackable!
by Martin Rugfelt
Make the most of the evolving mobile marketing and advertising landscape to foster better brand awareness and growth, engage customers, and create loyal fans.
by Andy Crestodina
Here are easy ways to choke off traffic to your website, kill leads, and push your stats into the basement. They're listed in general order from bad to worse, from serious flaws to utterly devastating ones.
by Neal Applefeld
Executing an innovative and successful augmented reality (AR) marketing campaign doesn't have to be complicated. For retail marketers considering experimenting with AR, here are a few simple tips to keep in mind.
by Angela Natividad
The week in social was action-packed. Get an Old Spice "internetervention," see how Pinterest plans to get personal (and monetize compulsive recipe-sharing), find out what Facebook and the bubonic plague have in common, and get step-by-step tips on improving your crowdfunding strategy.
by Joseph Pigato
Did you get a piece of this holiday pie, or were you left out in the cold with just a piece of coal to show for your troubles? Now that the holiday season is behind us, here are lessons about what marketing teams can do to make the holidays in ...
by William Arruda
Understanding these trends will help you to strategize ways of harnessing them to enhance your brand and expand your career success.
by Tricia Heinrich
2014 promises to be just as transformative as 2013 was. Here are five trends that will be affecting marketing; keep them top of mind.
by Ali Behnam
The digital landscape continues to change at light speed. Here are six key resolutions that digital marketers should follow to make sure they are delivering better than expected results in 2014—and beyond.
by Verónica Jarski
To find out what makes consumers more likely to purchase products online—and to learn more about their behaviors—check out this infographic.
by Jake Jeffries
Unfortunately, mobile marketing has fallen victim to misconceptions. So, let's clear up six of the biggest ones.
by Angela Natividad
Find out what unique and promising technologies debuted at CES. Get the skinny on Facebook's recent acquisition, glean new ways to use Tweets, and find out how Ben & Jerry's (of course!) used recreational marijuana legalization in Colorado to its advantage. Skim to sate your social munchies.