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by Ayaz Nanji
Mobile devices are now the most popular platform for interacting with marketing emails, but it's becoming increasingly difficult to turn those opens into clicks, according to a recent report from Campaign Monitor.
by Vasileios Tziokas
Developing nations are embracing mobile technology at unprecedented rates. But before you jump into the race to reach those global customers, take time to consider these critical factors.
by Angela Natividad
This week gave us a deluge of actionable tips for improving social strategy. See how Salesforce.com is taking on HootSuite, learn what Facebook has in mind for videos, get a breakdown of 10 effective types of social media posts, and take a look at Twitter's latest effort to facilitate e-commerce ...
by Catherine Dickinson
Most customers enter your store with a secret weapon in their pocket—a smartphone—and plenty of them use that smartphone while shopping. How can you capitalize on consumers' in-store mobile use?
by Ayaz Nanji
Consumers in emerging markets prefer mobile devices made by Apple and Samsung, according to the results of a recent survey conducted by Upstream and Ovum.
by Shawn Aguilar
Sports audiences are particularly receptive to marketing. Here's how to reach the audience of the world's most popular sporting event, the FIFA World Cup, which is right around the corner.
by Ayaz Nanji
Just over half (51%) of mobile phone owners over the age of 55 now have smartphones, up 10% from 1Q13, according to a recent report from Nielsen.
by Larry Kim
Google recently announced new and improved AdWords features, designed with mobile in mind. Here's a look at some of the most compelling features.
by Chris Duskin
How do you revitalize your referral marketing to fit mobile? The following infographic is packed with referral marketing tips that marketers should consider when targeting mobile users.
by Angela Natividad
Find out how Oreo turned snack hacks into a contagious campaign. See why fewer brands will be asking you to "Like" anytime soon, possibly the worst social media gaffe to date, how Esquire gave users a real reason to love 'em, and what video had every parent with an Internet ...
by Chanin Ballance
The strongest-performing companies bring Marketing and Sales together. But, in today's fast-paced environment, keeping the sales team up to date and aligned with marketing is tougher than ever. But there's hope.
by Angela Natividad
It's been a big week for Twitter! You'll get the skinny on all that, and you'll also learn about ideal social copy length for all major social networks, Facebook's new-and-improved right-column ads, and longer YouTube descriptions—not to mention all the ways #GameofThrones slid into your stream.
by Ayaz Nanji
Some 59% of Americans age 65 or older report they now go online, a six percentage point increase from 2012, according to a recent report from the Pew Internet and American Life Project.
by Cezar Kolodziej
Why should businesses use rich media messaging instead of multimedia messaging for marketing campaigns? Here's a look at the limitations of the latter and the reasons the former works better.
by Angela Natividad
Which social networks drive the most engaged referrals? Do Facebook ads make sense? Are seniors taking to social media? Get the answers to those questions, plus the scoop on Twitter's Mesagraph buy and Evian's Spiderbaby.
by Shawn Aguilar
With so many options available to mobile marketers, where do you start? Is SMS still relevant? How about mobile search? Or banner ads and video? Focus on these five key smartphone choices for the rest of 2014.
by Ayaz Nanji
The most popular Web-only retailer sites take an average of 2.99 seconds to load on mobile devices, two seconds longer than Google's recommended load time, according to a recent report from The Search Agency.
by Angela Natividad
Facebook buys Oculus, and the crowd cheers (or does it?)! Twitter enables photo collaging and tagging. And one powerful project takes you back in time... via The Office. It's all in this week's #Socialskim!
by Ayaz Nanji
Over three-quarters of consumers (77%) do not want to be tracked in retail stores via their cellphones without explicit consent, according to a recent report from OpinionLab.
by Angela Natividad
Extra! Extra! Learn all about Facebook's mobile TED coup, Samsung's smart LinkedIn collabo, and what campaigns and videos roused the crowd this week. (Because if you watch nothing else today, you have to see the world from a GoPro on Superman's head.) Skim to fly high!
by Verónica Jarski
As the business world grows increasingly mobile, more companies are using apps to engaging their customers. Are you? If not, check out these questions regarding whether (and how) to create an app.
by Angela Natividad
Get the scoop on SXSW, which social brands people love most, why Facebook organic reach may vanish, and Twitter-powered Oreo cookies. And the Web turns 25. That's just surface-scratching. Skim for your social submersion!
by Kevin Gao
Consumers are demanding mobile-optimized emails, and businesses need to adjust their content and tactics accordingly. Those that don't adapt to meet this new customer demand are fated to fall behind.
by Ayaz Nanji
Two-thirds of American mobile users (66.8%) now own smartphones, up 7% since October 2013, according to recent data from comScore.
by Verónica Jarski
Before planning your strategy for mobile marketing, you need to know what the terrain is like. Here's a look at mobile marketing today—and its future.