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Marketing Articles: Mobile

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  • Android Widens Smartphone Lead in August, RIM Slips
    Google Android strengthened its lead in the US smartphone market in August 2011, accounting for 43.7% of smartphone subscribers, up 5.6 percentage points (PPs) from the previous three-month period, according to data from the comScore MobiLens service. more
  • Three Ways B2B Mobile Apps Can Boost Client Services
    "The B2B app market has been slow to take off, but there is no reason why one, or several, popular apps should not emerge across different vertical markets," writes Gordon Plutsky in an article at Mobile Marketer. "In fact, the opportunity is too great not to make this dynamic channel ... more
  • Pew: Americans Rely on Multiple Media for Local Info
    Though one-half (50%) of Americans read print or Web editions of newspapers for local information at least weekly, more than two-thirds (69%) say the death of their local newspaper would have no major impact on their ability to find local information, according to a report by Pew Research. more
  • Social Media, Gaming, Email Top Online Destinations
    Social networks and blogs now reach 80% of online adults in the US and together account for nearly one-quarter (22.5%) of the time Americans spend online, according to a report from Nielsen. That makes social media the top online category in the US, followed by online gaming, email, portals, search, ... more
  • M-Commerce Taking Comparison Shopping to a New Level
    Mobile commerce has become widespread in the US: 80% of smartphone owners say they have used their devices to help make buying decisions in the past year and two-thirds have made a purchase with their phone, according to a study by LEK Consulting. Moreover, mobile shopping apps are giving on-the-go ... more
  • Microblogging, Social Networking Still Growing Worldwide
    Penetration levels of microblogging and social networking continue to grow worldwide, driven by increased adoption in emerging countries; but as the Web has evolved, Internet users have moved toward consuming and transmitting content rather than producing it themselves, according to Wave 5 of the GlobalWebIndex by Trendstream. more
  • SMS Marketing: How to Harvest Your Customers' Mobile Details
    by Bill Hilton
    SMS marketing is a huge growth area for all businesses. It's cheap, easy to track, direct, and personal. Interested? Learn how to collect your customers' mobile numbers—and keep them open to receiving texts. more
  • Few Smartphone Owners Check In With Geosocial Services
    Only 12% of adult smartphone owners in the US say they use their phones to check in with geosocial services such as Foursquare and Gowalla, whereas 55% use their smartphones to find location-based directions or recommendations, according to a new report by Pew Research. Nearly six in ten (59%) smartphone owners ... more
  • Small Businesses Moving Aggressively to Online Marketing
    Small and midsize companies (SMBs) continue to move marketing dollars to digital channels, according to BIA/Kelsey, which now forecasts digital spending among US SMBs to reach $16.6 billion annually by 2015—roughly 70% of total SMB marketing budgets. more
  • Local Business Search: Mobile Surges 34%
    Mobile local search is growing at unprecedented levels: 77.1 million mobile subscribers accessed local content* via mobile devices in January 2011, up 34% from the 57.6 million who did so one year earlier, according to a report by the Local Search Association (LSA). more
  • Forrester: Interactive Spending to Reach $76.6B by 2016
    US advertisers are expected to spend nearly $77 billion on interactive marketing by 2016—as much as they now spend on TV—according to a new report by Forrester Research. By 2016, search, display, mobile, email, and social media together are expected to constitute 26% of all ad spending, up from 16% ... more
  • Five Email Design Must-Haves
    The average email subscriber faces an inbox filled with clutter. Once she sorts through a variety of personal, professional and marketing messages, she won't look kindly on messy or incoherent email offers. "Without a well-crafted, clear and consistent design for your brand, your email is going nowhere in a hurry," ... more
  • Android Stats: Apps Twice as Popular as Mobile Web
    Android owners in the US spent an average of 56 minutes per day interacting with the Web and apps via their phones in June 2011 and of that time, two-thirds (67%) was spent using mobile apps while one-third (33%) was spent browsing the mobile Web, according to a report from ... more
  • Smartphone Users Frustrated With Mobile Web Experience
    Many mobile users are unsatisfied with the mobile Web experience: 18% of smarphone users say their recent mobile browsing experiences have been frustrating and 70% describe their experiences as "just OK," according to a new survey from Modapt and Morrissey & Company. more
  • Latinos Go Mobile, so Go Mobile to Reach Latinos
    by Ginger Zumaeta
    MarketingProfs blogger Ginger Zumaeta discusses how to best reach Latinos by going mobile ... and what that means exactly for companies. more
  • 14M Americans Scanned QR Codes via Smartphone in June
    Some 14 million mobile users in the US—or 6.2% of the total mobile audience—scanned a QR (Quick Response) or bar code on their mobile device in June 2011, according to data from comScore MobiLens. more
  • Feng Shui for Mobile Marketers: Best-Practices for Creating a Harmonious Mobile Environment
    by Mark Simpson
    For years, marketers have been working to perfect their sites to create just the right energy to ensure happy customers—and seamless selling. But it wouldn't be wise to transfer those same strategies and websites to the mobile space. more
  • Digitally Savviest Magazine Brands: Time, People, Self
    Time Magazine, People, and Self earned the top three spots among a list of 87 prominent magazine brands for exceptional marketing performance across digital, social, and mobile channels, according to the newly launched L2 ThinkTank Digital IQ Index, which measures and ranks the digital competence of magazine brands. more
  • Ads More Effective on Tablets Than on E-readers
    Ads viewed on tablet devices are more likely than ads on e-readers to attract the attention of consumers and engage them in key buying-related activities, according to a new study by GfK MRI Starch Advertising Research, which explores how digital magazine readers respond to ads on the two platforms. ... more
  • Android Grabs 40% of US Smartphone Market
    Google Android widened its lead in the US smartphone market in June 2011, accounting for 40.1% of smartphone subscribers, up 5.4 percentage points from the previous three-month period, according to data from the comScore MobiLens service. more
  • Mobile Security Threats: Android Owners Least Prepared
    Android owners are the least prepared for mobile security threats: 39% say they haven't taken any precautions to prevent someone from misusing data on their cell phone if it were lost or stolen, according to a new Gadgetology survey from Retrevo. more
  • The Early Marketing Skinny on Google+
    Google+ is the new kid on the social block. As it is offered on all Google products (Gmail,, Google Docs, etc.), its adoption may spread quickly—once its limited field trial completes and anyone can play. Google+ enables real-time updates (like Twitter) and lets you keep in touch with "circles" of friends (like Facebook, but ... more
  • Forrester: Why Tablet Commerce May Beat Out Mobile
    With the number of Americans owning tablet devices forecast to increase at a compound annual growth rate of 51% between 2010 and 2015, tablet commerce is expected to grow rapidly over the same period, offering consumers a portable yet highly engaging shopping experience, according to a new report by Forrester ... more
  • Opportunity Calls: How to Effectively Capture Mobile Marketing Conversions
    by Kathleen Colan
    Smartphone use is exploding, providing new opportunities to connect and engage with target audiences. Learn how to optimize your mobile marketing campaigns, and effectively track and record mobile conversions. more
  • Creating an Interactive Experience: Trends in Email, Mobile, and Social Marketing
    by Len Shneyder
    Today's customers often rely on social networks to interact with brands. Marketers need to adapt to a customer-centric model and understand consumption patterns across social networks and the total digital ecosphere. more

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