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- In an environment saturated with new and evolving media platforms, TV is still king: 71% of Americans rate watching TV on any device among their favorite media activities, according to Deloitte's annual survey on technology and media. Meanwhile, smartphone and social-networking use continues to increase. more
- In a recent issue, we discussed the importance of setting up a responsive social listening strategy, including addressing the voice of the customer (VoC). Here's a closer look at what that entails. In a recent article at ClickZ, Neil Mason describes the best way to implement a successful VoC program. According ... more
- Despite a lack of investment in marketing technologies and staffing over the past two years, many small businesses are now stepping up investments in digital channels such as social media, search, and online advertising, according to a survey from Network Solutions and the University of Maryland's Smith School of Business. more
- The other day, my cousin (who teaches high school in New Hampshire) started following me on . I was surprised because ---while my cousin is nowhere near a Luddite---she also isn’t steeped in the social media world. She doesn't suffer from what is known as Social Tool "ADOS" (Attention Deficit ... more
- Knotice has produced an elegant whitepaper detailing how you can harness the power of the mobile Web. "Over the next decade, the mobile Web will be a key conduit for your customer relationships, and foundational to your overall mobile strategy," the introduction notes. The key for businesses? Using the mobile ... more
- In a recent post at Search Engine Watch, Peter van der Graaf notes that local search results are becoming more important to the SEO mix. In Google Places, for example, businesses can now promote themselves on Google Search and Maps, he notes. But have you ever wondered how you can rank ... more
- Driven primarily by Facebook, social networking is the fastest-growing mobile content category in the US: Nearly 58 million mobile subscribers accessed a social networking site at least monthly via mobile device as of December 2010, up 56% from the previous year, according to a report by comScore. more
- If you've been shoehorned, by choice or necessity, into the role of a social community manager, your fingers must ache. It's not easy navigating a multiplicity of social media accounts for yourself and a client—sometimes multiple clients—at the same time. But thumbs up! The super-helpful iPhone app MySocialMania doesn't just keep you ... more
- Some 63.2 million Americans owned smartphones in the three-month period ended December 2010, up 60% from a year earlier, according to data from comScore MobiLens. RIM led the smartphone platform ranking with 31.6% of US market share, while second-ranked Google accounted for 28.7%, up 34.1% from the three-month period ended ... more
- More than 70 million US mobile users—roughly 30% of all mobile subscribers—accessed email via mobile device as of November 2010, up 36% from the 51.6 million who did so a year earlier, according to comScore Media Metrix. Meanwhile, fewer visited Web-based email destinations during the period, and spent less time ... more
- "Mobile holds tremendous potential for B2B audiences," says CK Kerley in a slide presentation at CK's Blog. But many B2B executives "still see mobile as B2C media," she notes. Well, if you're a B2B marketer still trying to convince the C-suite that it's time to go more mobile, take heart. ... more
- Social media stories dominated the list of most popular marketing charts and articles in MarketingProfs in 2010. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Wikipedia, figured prominently in seven of the Top 10 articles, which also covered subjects such as email, mobile, marketing budgets, and content marketing. more
- Retailers, marketers, and service providers are at an ideal point to capitalize on a massive opportunity to elevate the classic brick-and-mortar shopper experience by embracing emerging mobile technologies. Don't miss the opportunity to use these budding technologies to evolve the customer experience and boost profitability for your company. more