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- Worldwide sales of mobile devices were reportedly up nearly 14% in the second quarter of 2010 over the previous year. As the mobile marketing space continues to balloon, keeping up doesn't have to be daunting. Here are 10 technological design issues you'll need to know about to stay ahead of ... more
- Simply put, "app-vertising" is the use of applications to deliver branding, messages, content, or functionality to reach target audiences. And if you're looking for a tool that offers affordability, ease of use, and significant return on investment (ROI), then app-vertising may well be right for you. more
- To launch your marketing programs, you need the green light from your internal executives—and that means building the business case for new media and new programs. Here's how to convince B2B executives that mobile poses a high-opportunity, high-ROI marketing channel—and can make a significant impact with their business-centric audiences. more
- One of the most frustrating things about the iTunes store is its unintuitive search function. That's why folks have invented new apps like AppsFire for iPhone. It's an application that is search-engine optimized to float the most popular mobile apps sold through folks like iTunes to the top of the ... more
- With short message service (SMS) reaching 5 billion mobile phones around the world, marketers can no longer ignore the significance of texting as a marketing channel. Some consumers, however, are hesitant to take advantage of those mobile marketing programs, in part because of the fees associated with branded messages. Enter ... more
- As the mobile channel continues its rise to prominence among marketers and consumers, the lines between the digital marketing and the physical marketing worlds have become blurred. If mobile is meant to connect the two worlds, a new approach to data management is crucial for marketing to remain effective and ... more
- We love photographing food—local gems we hope to immortalize and share. Now there's an app for that! Inspired by Foursquare, Foodspotting lets users snap pictures of food and share the name and location via iPhones. It's a great way for iPhone users to find yummy dishes nearby. (Just think: Now you ... more
- Today's consumers are "eager to use mobile devices to inform in-store decisions," says Target's Kris Roberts in a recent article that quotes experts on the subject at Knowledge@Wharton. Digital innovations, the article argues, are transforming how people shop. As mobile networks improve, it's becoming easier for retailers to target customers based ... more
- In less than five years, more than 50 percent of users at any given time will be accessing the Internet from a mobile device, according to Morgan Stanley. Frankly, it feels like that number is already being reached in the business world. After all, Internet-ready mobile devices are ubiquitous, and the ... more
- Now, even your offline world can have a social element: Sotokolan, whose slogan is "Objects get social," enables you to attach your Facebook page to a custom QR code. (A QR code is like a barcode that, when scanned, points users to a Web page or reveals other digital information.) Through ... more
- The iPad has the potential to provide an all-in-one tablet that people are going to use everywhere—on their couch, while on vacation, and from all the places in between. No doubt brands are salivating at the chance to use the device to connect with consumers. Since many are hitching their ... more
- Remember Foursquare, the mobile game where users check in to gather badges and mayorships at their favorite local spots? If you're not a brick-and-mortar retailer, it's understandably hard to imagine how to leverage this strange new breed of socnet, which now serves more than 800,000 users worldwide. To help you get ... more
- Having a mobile app can make sense for a B2B company, says Jennifer Leigh Brown in a post at the B2B Insights Blog. "But there are key considerations when deciding between investing in a mobile application instead of designing a mobile website," she cautions. And when money is tight, you ... more
- The Blackeyed Peas' will.i.am recently raised eyebrows during a concert in Florida when he freestyled, in real-time, anything users sent to his BlackBerry. You're thinking, "Whoa, that's a lot of people with will.i.am's number." Thankfully, he still reserves that for his friends. The messages were sent to him via the instant-messaging ... more
- Dipping your brand into unfamiliar territory (like marketing a mobile app to the masses) isn't just a matter of learning new terrain, it's a matter of rethinking what you think you know. A good place to start? Other companies' success stories. Enter Vogue Stylist ("Your closet. Styled by Vogue."), an iPhone app ... more
- "With 4.6 billion current mobile subscriptions projected to surge to 6.5 billion mobile connections by 2014, there's no denying it, marketers: Mobile has arrived—and it's changing how (and where) business professionals communicate with each other, and how (and why) business audiences interact with B2B brands," says Christina "CK" Kerley in ... more
- If you don't think of podcasting as a mobile medium, think again! Any users with MP3 players (including smartphones) can load podcasts onto their devices and listen to them anywhere—while sitting on the subway, jogging, walking the dog, you name it. Podcasts are inexpensive to produce, and once you've loaded one onto your server, you can ... more
- "Make no mistake about it," says Christina "CK" Kerley at MarketingProfs, "mobile has arrived—and it's changing how (and where) business professionals communicate with one another and how (and why) they interact with B2B brands." And yet, she laments, many B2B companies lag far behind B2C counterparts in leveraging this powerful ... more