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Marketing Articles: Mobile

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  • Six Tips for Presenting a Social Media Strategy to the C-Suite
    If you are rockin' the social sphere, at some point you may have to present your work to some higher-ups. No pressure. Just remember this: Your presentation could mean the difference between enterprise adoption of a great new social media strategy—or the relegation of social to the broom closet. (Just ... more
  • iPhone, iPad Users Most Likely to Click on Mobile Ads
    Mobile ads served to Apple's iOS deliver higher click-through rate (CTR) than those served to other smartphone operating systems, outperforming ads served to Google Android phones by more than 2.5 times, according to a study by MediaMind. Timing also plays a role, with overall mobile ad performance reaching its peak ... more
  • Smartphones Now Majority of New Cellphone Purchases
    More than one-half (55%) of US consumers who purchased a new handset in the three-month period ended May 2011 bought a smartphone instead of a feature phone, up from the 34% who did so during the same period one year earlier, according to a survey from Nielsen. more
  • Your 12-Point Skeleton for Social Strategy Preparation
    Channel V Media has produced a snappy little e-book for companies mapping a social media plan. It's more than just hierarchy and bureaucracy that are making it difficult for marketers to roll out social media programs, Channel V says: "It's that they have to reorganize and learn new skills in ... more
  • Email and Facebook Messages Trigger Buying via Smartphone
    More than one-half (56%) of US consumers who have made at least one purchase using their smartphone have done so in response to a marketing message delivered via mobile email, according to a survey from ExactTarget. more
  • Six Crucial Factors of Mobile App Development
    Building a mobile application means winning more traction for your efforts: You can be with users all the time! But often, developers and execs might not quite "see" your great idea; instead, they see challenges and unplanned costs. It's time to educate yourself about such obstacles, so your next app proposal ... more
  • Three Ways to Adapt Your Email Communications to Changing Times
    "Email marketing is thriving—especially for businesses who can adapt it to the changing world," writes Veronica Maria Jarski at the Daily Fix blog. In her post, she gives a sneak-peek at material presented by Silverpop's Loren McDonald in MarketingProfs' Email Marketing Essentials online course. Here are a few of Jarski's takeaways ... more
  • Social Media Top US Mobile Content Category
    As mobile adoption grows rapidly in the US, so does mobile content consumption, which recorded double-digit year-over-year (YOY) growth across all major categories as of March 2011 with social networking the standout category, increasing 45.7% to nearly 64 million users, according to data from comScore MobileLens. more
  • Put Content in Unexpected Places: QR Shopping, Social Vending
    Home Depot recently partnered with Scanbuy to bring QR codes to its products. If you read us regularly, you know how QR codes can help a business and how users are ever more accustomed to seeing codes wherever they may roam. Here's how Home Depot capitalizes on that new reality. When ... more
  • Mobile Display Ads Up 128% in Past Two Years
    The number of US advertisers* using mobile display ad campaigns reached 689 in April 2011, up 128% from two years earlier, according to a study by comScore. Campaigns related to mobile content and publishing comprised the plurality of mobile ads, amounting to 50% as of March 2011, followed by ads ... more
  • What You Need to Know About Lead-Nurturing Messages
    In a post at Marketing Interactions, Ardath Albee recalls a B2B client who thought her proposed lead-nurturing messages might be too brief. Albee begged to differ. "[I]nundating prospects with more links and choices rather than improving the personalization, value and contagiousness of your email message is not the right answer," she ... more
  • Smartphones Preferred Over Computers for Web Access
    More than one-half of smartphone owners (55.9%) say they prefer using a smartphone to a computer when accessing the Internet, according to a new survey from Prosper Mobile Insights. Moreover, some 52.9% of smartphone owners say they use all of the functions of their smartphone, so much so that "it's ... more
  • Top Media Sites, Blogs, Reaching Mobile Consumers
    Led by large news organizations, the media industry is responding to the enormous market demand for mobile access: 84% of the top US media publications have developed a mobile website, a mobile app, or both, according to a study by 2ergo. more
  • Two-thirds of Enterprises to Deploy iPads, Tablets by 2012
    More than two-thirds of companies (68%) plan to formally deploy iPads or other tablet computers by 2012, with sales force automation applications, particularly cloud-based systems, a key driver of that adoption, according to a survey from Model Metrics. more
  • Mobile Email Viewing Up 80%, Highest Toward Weekend
    Though most email is still read via webmail channels, some 16% of email messages were viewed via mobile device in March 2011, up 80% (7 percentage points) from 9% six months earlier, according to study by Return Path. Such mobile activity occurred steadily during the early part of the week, ... more
  • Five Twitter Sentiment-Tracking Tools for Any Budget
    If Twitter feels like a jungle, that's because it is. It's raw, real-time data that never stops. Now, you wouldn't wander alone into the wilderness without guidance, would you? Well, the same applies to the wilds of Twitter, equally full of volatile life. You need to arm yourself! And that ... more
  • Apple Tops Google as World's Most Valuable Brand
    Apple surpassed Google to become the world's most valuable brand in 2011, according to the BrandZ ranking of the 100 most valuable global brands from Millward Brown. Facebook joined the Top 100 for first time, at No. 35, surging 246% in brand value from the previous year. more
  • Six Key Questions (and Answers!) About B2B Mobile Marketing
    by Christina "CK" Kerley
    Everywhere you turn, everyone is talking about mobile. Though B2Cs have been diving into mobile, B2Bs have been falling behind and missing prime opportunities to reach and engage their business audiences. more
  • Who Is Scanning QR Codes? Here's a Quick Update.
    We love a good infographic. They can make vague ideas clear as day. Our pick du jour: The QR Invasion, which tells the latest story of QR codes. You can put these codes on just about any kind of item, and users can scan them with their phones to get ... more
  • Can Geolocation Apps Win Over Smartphone Users?
    Location-based services such as Foursquare and Facebook Places haven't yet reached a tipping point: Although 56% of smartphone users are aware of geolocation apps, only 39% use at least one, according to a survey from White Horse. more
  • 2011 Trends: Turning Data Into Action; Mobile; Social Marketing
    Most marketers understand the value of good customer data, but they still struggle to organize and use it effectively: 62% cite "turning data into action" as their top marketing issue in 2011, according to a report by Unica. more
  • Three At-a-Glance Guides for Mastering Social Media
    Here's some tasty (yet nutritious) eye candy to keep your brand on the right track—and you in a positive mindset. Social media guru Brian Solis has released a set of beautiful social marketing posters that you can either purchase—or maybe even download for free. Each is lively, colorful, and at-a-glance informative ... more
  • Verizon iPhone Boosts Apple's Ad Network Share
    Google's Android is still the top smartphone operating system (OS) in the Millennial Media ad network, but Apple's iOS regained some lost ground in March 2011, on the strength of the Verizon iPhone, according to the Mobile Mix report by Millennial Media. more
  • Mobile Presentation Views Surge 640% in 2011
    One out of ten presentations is now viewed via mobile device, up 640% over 2010 levels, with Apple devices the top choice for viewing such presentations, according to a report by SlideRocket. more
  • Nearly Half of Mobile Web Users Make Purchases
    Nearly one-half (49%) of mobile searchers—people who use the mobile Web at least weekly—say they have made at least one purchase via mobile device in the previous six months, according to a study by Performics and ROI Research. more

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