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by Ann Handley
By guest blogger Marjorie Clayman, director of Client Development at Clayman
A lot of the content that marketers can find and reference these days aims to inspire, motivate, and educate. This article is a bit different. This article is for marketers who most sincerely want to fail. It’s for marketers ...
by Megan Leap
MarketingProfs blogger Megan Leap shares the top three social media insights from the MarketingProfs #TechChat with Guy Kawasaki.
by Stephanie Miller
MarketingProfs blogger Stephanie Miller discusses how email marketers can overcome the hurdles of new email filters.
by Carlos Hidalgo
MarketingProfs blogger Carlos Hidalgo shares five vital skills that marketing employees should have.
by Paul Barsch
MarketingProfs blogger Paul Barsch shares recent findings about how sadness makes shoppers spend more.
by CB Whittemore
MarketingProfs blogger Christine Whittemore discusses the reinvention of bus travel, now socially connected, cost-efficient and convenient.
by Ted Mininni
MarketingProfs blogger Ted Mininni discusses the new results of the new survey by Deloitte and the Harrison Group about consumers wanting to save money, not spending.
by Maria Pergolino
MrketingProfs blogger Maria Pergolino discusses how gathering web metrics and creating reports with objective and KPIs data is vital to marketing.
by Jim Kukral
MarketingProfs blogger Jim Kukral shares important tips about making it easy for people to purchase products from your business.
by David Reich
MarketingProfs blogger David Reich discusses how companies should be reached easily in today's social world.
by Ann Handley
MarketingProfs blogger Ann Handley interviews Greg Verdino, author of "Micromarketing" and MarketingProfs speaker, about his book.
by Carlos Hidalgo
MarketingProfs blogger Carlos Hidalgo discusses how companies can stop talking only about themselves and focus more on their customers by following four simple steps.
by Megan Leap
MarketingProfs blogger Megan Leap shares three other social networks for B2B marketing: SlideShare, StumbleUpon and YouTube.
by Maria Pergolino
MarketingProfs blogger Maria Pergolino shares her top five tips for email marketing deliverability.
by Michele Linn
MarketingProfs blogger Michele Linn compares the unpredictable behavior of a B2B buyer and the behavior of preschoolers.
by Paul Barsch
MarketingProfs blogger Paul Barsch describes how businesses can move from clutter to clarity and, by providing less choices, actually improve sales.
by Elaine Fogel
MarketingProfs blogger Elaine Fogel discusses her thoughts about where journalism is going.
by Megan Leap
MarketingProfs blogger Megan Leap shares four ideas for B2B Facebook Marketing and invites readers to SocialTech 2010.
by Maria Pergolino
MarketingProfs blogger Maria Pergolino discusses three ways that B2B marketing professionals can adapt to the real-time web.
by Ted Mininni
MarketingProfs blogger Ted Mininni discusses the healthy fast food restaurant plans of former McDonald's execs.
by Megan Leap
Now more than ever, lead generation for the complex sale is a long process of developing relationships with your prospects. Gone are the days of just getting names and making calls. Since Twitter is a fantastic way to build new relationships, it makes sense that B2B adoption continues to grow. ...
by Carlos Hidalgo
Now that Netflix can stream movies to computers and through the Wii, my kids are taking full advantage by watching some of the shows and movies I watched as a kid. At any given time in our home this summer, I have been serenaded by the eloquent dialogue of Hannibal ...
by Mack Collier
MarketingProfs blogger Mack Collier shares the importance of matching your blog metrics to its goals.
by Paul Barsch
MarketingProfs blogger Paul Barsch discusses the immediacy of data shared and the zero latency present.
by Helena Bouchez
MrketingProfs blogger Helena Bouchez discusses the "How to Fame" program.