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by Steven Kramer
E-commerce is one of the hottest trends in B2B marketing. Inspired by B2C e-commerce sites, buyers and procurers are demanding that their B2B suppliers deliver buying experiences comparable to those of leading online retailers.
by Kathy Klotz-Guest
The resurgence in storytelling, the original social medium, is an important and welcome evolution for many reasons. Memorable stories scale in a way that facts alone cannot. In a world of noise, the best stories win.
by Bill Piwonka
Low conversion rates, users that leave your site without engaging, and blatantly falsified registration data are the obvious symptoms of a broken registration system. Consider the following five best-practices for online registration that have been proven to increase conversion rates for leading B2B brands.
by Tom Martin
I once had to call on a prospect 52 times before we were invited to pitch. But the last client I picked up at my current firm took exactly one call and a meeting over beers. Exact same result. Far less effort and expense.
by Angela Natividad
Get the skinny on the job-quitting video that went viral... and the shafted company's viral-worthy response. See how Breaking Bad's finale played out online... and among brands. Learn to build your social ROI. And find out what playlist preferences tell us about (what else?) buying preferences. Skim to the beat ...
by Laura Patterson
There's a difference between being a service organization to Sales and being a value generator for the company. As marketing professionals, our future depends on being the latter. Let's clarify the difference.
by Mike Molinari
For most e-commerce providers, the question isn't whether video content should be a part of the brand's e-commerce strategy, but how to harness video content effectively and efficiently, and in a way that generates measurable returns to the brand.
by David Llewellyn
Tradeshows are where up-to-the-second media such as Twitter come into their own, helping make the physical event virtual, and bringing something very localized to a wider—and potentially global—audience.
by Andy Lombard
As a marketer, your every encounter with a smartphone-toting consumer should be considered an opportunity: They want to buy. You want to sell. But how do you make the connection happen?
by Ayaz Nanji
More than half of B2B vendors (57%) say B2B commerce is fundamentally changing and shifting from offline to online, according to a recent report from Intershop.
by Ayaz Nanji
The average conversion rate from email for e-commerce websites dropped in the second quarter of 2013, falling to 3.34%, from 3.56% in 2Q12, according to a recent report from Monetate.
by Betsy Zikakis
Event attendees have come to expect more from their time and investment in meetings and events. These five trends are a response to those expectations and will shape event management success in the year ahead.
by Nasheen Liu
"It's complicated" would be the proper way to describe the love/hate relationship between Sales and Marketing. But it doesn't have to be that way. Having been on both sides of the fence, I have a few tips to offer to my fellow marketers. Hopefully, these tips will help make your ...
by Ayaz Nanji
Most pay-per-lead B2B marketers (51%) say knowing a buyer's purchasing time horizon is the most important data point they want but often don't get, according to a recent report by Business.com.
by Russell Glass
Historically, personalized targeting has been done through direct mail, sending offers to segmented lists, targeted at personas. So how can you achieve the same level of segmentation and targeting in the digital world?
by Mark Saghy
Creating a tradeshow booth can be difficult. Here are some helpful tips to get you started as you plan, design, and create an effective booth that can be used for many years to promote your company.
by Ayaz Nanji
Technology buying decisions made by small businesses are influenced more by attitudes and beliefs than by demographic factors such as industry, revenue, and years in business, according to a recent report from Infusionsoft.
by Verónica Jarski
A marketer may feel overwhelmed by the huge selection of business tools. Fortunately, the following infographic highlight experts' favorites, so marketers can whittle down their options and choose.
by Mike Volpe
Although websites were introduced over 20 years ago, the vast majority still function on old-school paradigms. Here's where most websites are getting it wrong—and how you can get it right with your own site.
by Ayaz Nanji
Shopping cart abandonment remains a major challenge for businesses online, with abandonment rates in the second quarter of 2013 averaging 75%, according to a recent report by SaleCycle.
by Catherine Sherlock
In Part 1, we began the examination of how emotion and logic operate in the buying cycle, and we covered what sort of content to produce for the Awareness stage. This week, the remaining four stages of the buying cycle...
by Tom Cates
Strong customer relationships drive sales, sustainability, and growth, especially in today's economy. Regardless of your industry, follow these five tips for stronger and healthier customer relationships.
by Ayaz Nanji
The No. 1 factor that separates B2B sales winners from their challengers is that they educate buyers with new ideas and perspectives, according to a recent report.
by Zach Redler
With more and more sales reps using their mobile devices during sales calls, CSOs and CMOs have been scrambling to find ways to capitalize on the trend.
by Catherine Sherlock
The saying "people buy on emotion and rationalize with logic" has been around so long that people rarely question it. But in content marketing, you need to question it. Otherwise, you run the risk of either not providing people the right information or—worse—alienating your audience.