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Marketing Opinions: Content

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  • by Matthew Grant
    Having done my time in the online reputation management trenches, I would like to share some of what I've learned. I'm sure a lot of folks out there have insights to add to this discussion and I heartily invite you to do Lesson Research Before You I handled communications for ... more
  • by Paul Dunay
    I am officially up and running now in my 6th week here at Avaya and loving my new role. And what has been really interesting for me to see was the difference between organizations when it comes to things like social One of the things I was pleasantly surprised to ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    An interesting article in the Wall Street Journal caught my eye recently. On the surface, it doesn't look like much. But like most things, if we dig deeper and connect some dots, we'll see a major new trend The article, Campbell Soup Looks Outward For New Products, ," speaks of ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    By Dan Personal branding is about unearthing what is true and unique about you and letting everyone know about it. As a brand, you are your own free you have the freedom to create the career path that links your talents and interests with the right position and the ability ... more
  • by Jeanne Bliss
    I have hope. I have hope that people will smile again. I see them smiling already. I have hope that the small, non-expensive kindnesses being offered by merchants are being remembered and will be repaid with customers who swarm back to them when their wallets are full again. And I ... more
  • by Elaine Fogel
    Passover begins at sundown Wednesday, April 8. This is the holiday that Jews around the world re-tell the Exodus story of Moses leading the Israelites to the Promised Land. So, when a friend e-mailed me this funny TV spot of Moses in the Desert, I just had to share it ... more
  • by Mark Goren
    I made a fairly big decision about how I consume online content last week. While I had always used my newsreader .... Google Reader is my aggregator of choice .... traditionally by subscribing to the bloggers and news sites I'm interested in, I've decided to let more of the top ... more
  • by Matthew Grant
    A friend of mine, who happens to run a small design agency with his wife, feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of free WordPress themes out there quipped, "This is really the end of web I was reminded of my friend's realization when reading Paul Dunay's Facebook last week. While ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    After months of anticipation and planning, the uber-cool MarketingProfs Digital Marketing happens Wednesday, April 1. The day-long event until ET) is a virtual gig, which means you just need to fire up your desktop to join the fun and learning, and it's absolutely free! Which is a good deal... as ... more
  • by Susan Solomon
    In an economy where gloom pervades, one bright spot is health care information technology. President Obama's 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act includes $19 billion for health care information technology, much of which will go to hospitals and physician offices which will be implementing an electronic medical record Why does ... more
  • by Jonathan Kranz
    Last week I wrote a about social media from the reader's perspective. This week, after digging through Facebook and Twitter home pages loaded with unnecessary twaddle, I'm feeling much more militant. And I'm asking you to join me in taking action. Here's what I a 5-tweets-a-day I'd like to see ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    A recent article in Packaging Digest, Food for ," divulged that one of the world's largest packaged food suppliers, ConAgra, has shifted its position from one of compliance with environmental programs and sustainable packaging initiatives to one that is proactive. This shift is noteworthy and very ConAgra's position has far-reaching ... more
  • by Paul Barsch
    Most telecommunication companies now have the ability to assign the latitude and longitude of a mobile handset via technologies such as GPS and Wi-Fi. With these technologies a whole host of location based services and applications can now accurately find both people and However, the ability to track individuals in ... more
  • by Lewis Green
    There's lots of buzz around social media, but until now few were doing much about it in the business world, besides hiring a blogger and then launching a blog without much of a plan or much in the way of However, there's good news that looks toward the future where ... more
  • by Allen Weiss
    I typically visit a number of technology sites to learn about new technology, Internet companies and products - not to learn about marketing. So I was a bit amused the other day when I saw that (a technology site) was trying to talk about marketing and advertising. To do this, ... more
  • by Jonathan Kranz
    Most of the posts about social media have been from the writer's point of view, articulating tips and tactics for promotion, "thought leadership," "enabling conversations," "engaging customers," I think it's time we take a hard look at social media from the other side of the relationship -- from the reader's ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    A short Supermarket article recently caught my eye concerning a new interactive initiative undertaken by Price , a Schenectady New York-based grocery chain. "Price Chopper Adds Interactive Recipes to Website." At first blush, it doesn't look like a big deal... but read "Working with Webstop, Tarpon Springs, Fla., Price Chopper ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    By Linda What can you say using only 140 characters? Actually, quite a bit, though you wouldn't know it from the recent print media coverage of Twitter, the social networking tool that delivers user updates in 140 Except for a few tech-savvy individuals, this group seems to be in the ... more
  • by Matthew Grant
    As many of you know, my long-term relationship with , where, among other things, I wrote and edited The Talent , has come to an amicable if somewhat tearful (hey, I'm not made of stone) end. In other words, this hyperbolically hot-wired SMexpert (that's "social media expert," if you have ... more
  • by Stephen Denny
    We watch a commercial of a four-year-old take a digital photograph, upload it to her computer and then email it to her parents. If you're moderately technical parent, then your kids probably do this all the You'd see this commercial and think, "These people are like us," and you'd feel ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    So MarketingProfs is a virtual company, which means that the 25 or so of us on staff are scattered throughout the country, working out of our respective homes. In a practical sense, this means we can shuffle around in our slippers at the "office." But the downside is that our ... more
  • by Paul Dunay
    On Facebook you can't be a Friend of a brand but you can be a Fan of a brand. While it sounds like a subtle difference, it is actually an important Brands are the sum total of the experience a customer has when they are interacting with your brand. But ... more
  • by Jacob Morgan
    There is clearly a lot of concern over companies entering the social media space. It's a new medium to be a part of and companies aren't sure how to act or how to respond to certain situations, for example negative feedback. I though it would be interesting to compare social ... more
  • by Susan Solomon
    Terrible times for marketing and public relations professionals. Hoards of us are on the street, or more accurately, hunched over our computers, emailing everyone we may know for a job lead. It is thankless, ego-deflating work and, worst of all, it pays absolutely I'm part of those job-seekers. My days ... more
  • by Sonny Gill
    Going the extra mile is seemingly missing in today's business world; from a company's customer support, team meetings, campaigns, and even client calls. We've seen examples where companies have taken that extra step to help their customers, thus creating a resounding positive word-of-mouth around that brand. So, why don't more ... more

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