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Marketing Opinions: Content

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  • by Dana VanDenHeuvel
    Http:// more
  • by Tim McAtee
    I've recently joined MarketingProfs as Research Director and I'd like to offer some insight to anyone interested in my take on digital media. I have worked in digital media research my whole career, but my father started out as a reporter for Time Magazine back in the 70s and has ... more
  • by Stephen Denny
    Http:// more
  • by Paul Dunay
    If you read the last two blog posts on Social Search could it be a Google and When is Amazon go , you would begin to get a glimpse of the web in the next 24 months. A very different web that brings your search results based on what your ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    Executives are fond of iterating well-worn phrases that have become so overused, so trivialized, that they've been rendered meaningless. One of my "Our greatest asset is our employees." Wish I'd received a quarter every time I've heard that Having said that, the really smart companies take this very much to ... more
  • by Andrea Learned
    Http:// more
  • by Stephanie Miller
    Http:// more
  • by Jeanne Bliss
    I am intrigued by . Having not eaten a Frito for years, I must say that the endeavors of this brand compel me to once again munch a Two recent activities in particular are brilliant. Yes, of course, for the actions, but most importantly for the intent and motivation that ... more
  • by Paul Barsch
    Strategic planning helps marketers answer what to sell, who will buy it, and how to beat competitors in the marketplace. However, in today's volatile and chaotic marketplace, some executives argue that it's better to "fly by the seat of your pants" and skip forecasting. What happens when strategic planning is ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    What gives? Wouldn't you think this would be the worst possible time to for McDonald's to launch more expensive Angus burgers? Will premium products of any sort sell in this tight economy? Obviously, McDonald's is betting these After years of testing its premium Angus burgers in 1000 of its restaurants ... more
  • by Mark Ivey
    The news that BusinessWeek is now up for sale puts to rest any doubt that traditional publications are in a death spiral. This may be old news to my counterparts in Silicon Valley, who have been writing off "traditional publications" for years. But I always felt there would be a ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    Last week, my friend Jason Baer on Twitter, "People are going to freak out when they see the 8-part Art of Social Media webinar series that @marketingprofs has cooked up. Amazing Well, prepare to Or at least be psyched that this week we launch an 8-week Social Media Summer Series ... more
  • by Elaine Fogel
    What's going on in ? It's awful out there. First, it was the fiasco with the airline and the travel agency that booked our flights, followed by a ridiculous experience when I tried to print our vacation photos. Thank goodness we had a good time at our destination, 'cause traveling ... more
  • by Beth Harte
    As marketers, sometimes we are siloed in one area or a few areas during our careers. For example, there are branding, lead generation, PR, sales, supply chain and product marketing experts. Some companies favor hiring an expert or specialist versus "a of all trades" when it comes to hiring or ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    "America Runs on Dunkin" goes the tagline. Now, apparently, Dunkin' Donuts has added a new , that is being touted by the company as a new venture in social media, as recently reported MediaPost'. "The designated 'runner' can now initiate a group order through the site via computer, mobile device ... more
  • by Stephanie Miller
    I predicted back in January that 2009 would be the year of the email marketer. Times got rough mid-last year and executives were scrambling to maintain revenue and keep customers happy. With email marketing's high ROI and low investment - and seemingly endless capacity for earning higher and higher revenue ... more
  • by Jacob Morgan
    There has been a lot of much needed discussion around social media ROI but I think this is just a small topic in the overall world of marketing accountability. Here are a few things for you to A study by the CMO council found that LESS than of top technology ... more
  • by Stephen Denny
    Dear A few minutes ago, Roger Federer defeated Andy Roddick in the 2009 Wimbledon Gentlemen's Singles Championship, 16-14 in the final fifth set. I'm the last guy to pick apart a world-class athlete's performance at the top of his game and at the apex of his chosen sport's culture, but ... more
  • by Matthew Grant
    I thought that the Godin (or possibly Mack ) had come up with the idea that companies should emulate rock bands and cultivate fans, not customers. But it turns out the genius behind this concept was the equally bald (as Seth, not Mack) but far nerdier Roger , erstwhile professor ... more
  • by Paul Barsch
    In a challenging global slowdown, the world seems awash in capacity. Scans of major business publications show airlines reducing flights, companies furloughing or firing employees, and manufacturers closing plants. If you agree that it appears there is more unused capacity than demand, why should capacity management It would seem in ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    Attendees who blogged about the MarketingProfs B2B (and let us know about it) had the opportunity to win a pass to our Digital Marketing this fall in Chicago. Well, the votes are in, and here are the We looked for blog posts that talked about the 2009 B2B Forum in ... more
  • by Paul Dunay
    This morning I typed into Google the search VoIP (which stands for Voice over Internet Protocol) and I got 64 Million responses. 64 Million!! How archaic is Does Google have any idea how long would it take me to go through 64 Million responses? One day we are going to ... more
  • by Beth Harte
    Have you heard about the Denny's ? What about the Denny's Creature ' campaign? No? That's okay; I didn't either. It's probably a sign of the times that I am too old to appreciate staying up until 2AM and heading to Denny's for some grub after a night That said, ... more
  • by Paul Dunay
    So I have just finished co-authoring a book called Facebook Marketing for (Wiley) due out this summer. It was a very eye opening experience to say the least. But the one thing it taught me was a profound respect for the Facebook What you are about to see is a ... more
  • by Beth Harte
    When you joined MarketingProfs did you ever consider yourself to be part of a community of over 320,000 marketers? Well, you are! I know it's a huge number of nameless, faceless people to think about, but as you know, with more people embracing social media tools and how we all ... more

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