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Marketing Articles: Writing

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  • It's a Brand New Day!
    If you've made some recent improvements—whether to your product, service or customer experience—now is the time to trumpet those changes!  A new year, with consumers anxious for a new start, is a great time to tell your subscribers what they can expect on their next visit to your site. In a post at the ... more
  • Time to Polish That B2B Star
    It's a brand new year! Time to start fresh, set new goals—and write 52 dry-as-bones B2B blog posts. But wait. The words "B2B blog" don't have to strike dread in the hearts of readers. Chris Brogan wrote a terrific post in 2008 that will surely help you polish your B2B ... more
  • I Resolve to Treat You Right
    Cost-effective, and just plain effective, email communications are quite possibly the one sure thing to cling to in the current downturn. So, are you treating them—and your subscribers—right? In a post at ClickZ, Stefan Pollard says there's no time like the present to improve your email marketing programs. He offers ... more
  • So Many Tweets, So Little Time
    You already know why you need to be on Twitter. And if you've taken the leap into the great microblogging beyond, it's likely you've come across some issues: It takes so much time to produce the number of Tweets necessary to convince Twitter users there's a HUMAN BEING back here! It's ... more
  • Start It Off With a Bang!
    As the calendar page flips to a new year, now is the perfect time to re-evaluate and refine your search campaigns' lead gen capabilities. In a new MarketingProfs article, William Leake of Apogee Search offers the following tips for boosting your pay-per-click performance: Add new compelling lead bait. Many viable ... more
  • This Email Doth Protest Too Much
    Marketers committed to a permission-based email strategy have an understandable urge to remind subscribers of the fact, especially when they're being unfairly flagged as spammers. In a post at the Email Marketing Reports blog, Mark Brownlow highlights the type of copy often used to justify legitimate messages. But there's a ... more
  • Hocus-Pocus, Keyword Focus
    The secret to success in the new year may lie in divining the right keywords. As Christine Churchill says at Search Engine Land, the words you buy in pay-per-click, the terms you target for organic, the phrases you focus on in your images and videos, all depend on making good keyword choices ... more
  • Cool Cloaking Device!
    Is your website invisible? If it's not designed to be found by search engine spiders, it might as well be. The key to visibility? Keeping content clear and simple. An untold number of expensive Web sites out there are beautiful to behold, but rarely seen by searchers. To help clarify ... more
  • Why Don't You Click With Me?
    Chances are good that fewer than 15 percent of your list clicked on at least one link in your last email. "Think about that," says Mark Brownlow in a post at Email Marketing Reports. "We have over 85% of subscribers not clicking on email they explicitly asked to receive. Over ... more
  • I See You. I Want You.
    Just when you've mastered the whole key word concept, along comes—key pictures? Online retailer has released a free downloadable mobile application for the iPhone and iPod touch that enables shoppers to search for products to purchase online by simply snapping photos of them. If you like your co-worker's shoes, ... more
  • Welcome Home!
    "A good opt-in procedure lays the foundation for a strong email program," writes Loren McDonald in an article at MarketingProfs, "but a well-thought-out series of welcome emails will help turn your newcomer into a long-term subscriber." A proper welcome program speeds up engagement, notes McDonald, and reduces list churn "because ... more
  • Nah, That's Not Just an Ad. Is It?
    You learned in school that there's no such thing as a free lunch. But as cable TV's popularity wanes against the force of the almighty Internet, it looks like "free lunch" has become stat quo: nobody wants to pay for TV shows, movies or SNL video clips anymore. They want ... more
  • The Long Goodbye
    "Contrary to popular belief among marketers," says a ReturnPath whitepaper, "an unsubscribe request is not necessarily the end of a customer relationship. By executing a well-thought-out, positive unsubscribe experience, a company can extend their brand equity and keep the customer for years to come, even if that customer is no ... more
  • Web Site Content—It's All About the Why
    by Jerry Bader
    This focus on "The What" is exacerbated by some search engine optimization techniques intended to drive traffic rather than to brand product, sell services, or convert traffic into customers. Traffic is important, but converting that traffic into paying customers is more important. Even the best and brightest search engine optimizers ... more
  • Now, That's a Powerful Presence!
    A Web site has to accomplish two crucial things in its quest for success: to attract customers, and to hold their attention. To achieve both, optimum site design is critical. As David Salinas says in a recent MarketingProfs article, if you design a great-looking, user-friendly site with well-written marketing copy that ... more
  • Put Your Best Face Forward
    You want to explore uncharted territory, but you're also worried about sowing cash on unproven social media ground. Well, here's a way to play it safe: ease, ever so slowly, into Facebook. The facts: It's the largest social networking site in the world. In August '08, users spent an average ... more
  • Let Me Go!
    In a recent blog post, Patrick Byers talks about an email he received from a ski resort announcing the opening dates for each of its mountains. "I don't recall signing up to receive these notifications," he notes, "but I was there last season, and might have provided my email address ... more
  • Blueprint for Online Success: Understanding the Fundamentals of Web Site Design, Part 2
    by Peter Sena
    This is the second part of an article that discusses the importance of good Web site design and the process of streamlining the creation of Web sites. more
  • All You Need is Patience
    If you're considering a site redesign for the new year, you'll want to optimize it for search engine results. What's the best way to optimize? Jody Nimetz at SEO Space says that designing a site to generate revenue through search takes a good amount of planning and, most importantly, patience. ... more
  • Look at What They Went and Did!
    "In the two weeks leading up to the November 4th election, email messages came fast and furious from both campaigns," writes Morgan Stewart in an article at MarketingProfs. "I saw … commonly held best practices to be emulated, other [elements] that should be avoided … and a few new concepts ... more
  • Might as Well Jump!
    To do search marketing right, it's best to send potential customers who click on your search-engine-generated links to a "jump" or landing page. This page is the gateway to your site, and should promote further action from your prospective clicker, be it to make a purchase or leave a name ... more
  • Four Key Deliverability Questions
    If you're like the majority of marketers polled by Jupiter Research, your number one consideration when choosing an ESP is deliverability. But Adam Covati says an ESP can only do so much to ensure your message reaches an inbox; this is, ultimately, your responsibility, and dependent on how you manage ... more
  • Look to the Big E
    In a recent blog post at ReturnPath, Stephanie Miller offers, in one word, a way to provide optimum service to B2B clients while saving precious marketing dollars. That word? Email. "The good news is that email marketing is a great tool for building relationships and adding value to your customer relationships," ... more
  • Playing Tag
    Even if you've never heard the term tag cloud, you've likely seen them in your online travels: clusters of keywords relevant to a site's content, rendered in varying font sizes and shades, and often found on the left or right navigation bars. "Flikr, the photo sharing site, was the first ... more
  • Quirky, Weird and Hard to Predict
    In a post at Copyblogger, Sonia Simone offers some unconventional blogging advice, her nine "little known" rules for a successful blog. It's an interesting read, with plenty of key takeaways like these: Don't over-explain. You might know everything about a subject, but that doesn't mean you have to write it all ... more

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