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Marketing Articles: Writing

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  • Four Commandments of SEO
    A note to our readers: MarketingProfs has decided to cease publication of the Get to the Po!nt (GTTP) newsletters, and this issue of the Search Marketing GTTP is the last you'll be receiving. We hope you continue to enjoy our daily newsletter, MarketingProfs Today, and our best-of-the-week newsletter, MarketingProfs This Week. "Search engine optimization is extremely simple," says ... more
  • Get the Biggest Bang for Your Blog
    Blogging seems like a no-brainer. But it's grueling work that may not immediately yield the results you want. That's part of the reason why longtime blogger Mike Figliuolo has shared his list of tips for diversifying blog content, increasing content shareability, and using tools to maximize output (and profit). A bit ... more
  • Google's Top SEO Tips for Startups
    As SEO credibility goes, it doesn't get much better than Google's Developer Programs Tech Lead Maile Ohye. In a 10-minute video, she adopts the role of a consultant to deliver all the advice she'd give to a startup whose website has no more than 50 pages of primary content, and ... more
  • The Facebook Toolkit You Just Can't Live Without
    Facebook remains the hottest socnet on the block, but its marketing options are so sprawled that it's hard to decide where to begin—or how. Which is why Mashable has compiled a list of nine essential Facebook tools that'll help you get a grip on everyone's addiction of choice. Here are a ... more
  • Three Ways to Keep Your Search Rankings Healthy
    As Google continues to personalize search results, the data you see in ranking reports might not mean what you think. Why? They only tell you what rankings would look like in a non-personalized search. Most of your customers, meanwhile, see rankings driven by their behavior—so your Web page might rank ... more
  • Three Tips for High-ROI Calls to Action
    Every email marketer knows that great calls to action don't just happen on their own. "Clearly identifying what you offer and how you want to convey that offer requires thoughtful consideration and good timing," says Leigh Dow in an article at MarketingProfs. So how do you craft calls to action that ... more
  • Four Ways to Increase Clicks With a P.S.
    How do you read a casual email from a friend? In all likelihood, you scan it to get the general idea, write a quick reply and click back to your inbox. But what if—below her sign-off—she adds a P.S.? "Suddenly, she's got your attention," writes Sid Smith in an article at ... more
  • Four Tips for a Stronger Call to Action
    If your email marketing campaign doesn't generate the kind of ROI you expect, take a look at your typical call to action (CTA). Does it tell a customer how to take the next step? Does it create a sense of urgency? "When your audience is left with no direction and no ... more
  • Four Tips for Subject-Line Success
    Even experienced email marketers agonize over subject lines—polishing, editing, tweaking, and perfecting 50-character phrases until they're just right. After all, a single word can make the difference between a subscriber's indifference and interest. So how do you get recipients to open your messages? In this post at Mass Transmit, Anthony Schneider outlines ... more
  • Three Ways to Boost Email Marketing ROI
    Despite the naysayers who like to predict the imminent demise of email marketing, one fact remains true: It's highly profitable. "Email averages a return on investment (ROI) of $40 for every $1 spent, far outstripping banner ads ($2) and keyword ads ($17)," writes Eric Didier in an article at MarketingProfs. So ... more
  • Three Backlinking Mistakes to Avoid
    A strong SEO program relies on backlinks—links to your website from external sources. "Those backlinks signal to search engines how influential and relevant your business is online," writes Chris Sheehy in an article at MarketingProfs. They "trigger local citations of your business and aid in deepening your local market penetration," ... more
  • Three Email Copywriting Tips for Non-Pros
    Let's say your small business doesn't have the resources to hire a professional copywriter for email campaigns. That means you—or someone on your overtaxed team—is trying to create effective messages without a solid knowledge of what works and what doesn't. So, what must you know? In a post at his blog, pro ... more
  • Three Key Changes to Facebook's Brand Timeline Pages
    In February, Facebook launched its updated Brand Timeline pages, which include better opportunities for customizing a brand page, among other features. Wildfire Interactive CEO Victoria Ransom has detailed six things marketers must know about the new Pages. Here are three changes to note: Improved look and feel. Now, as with ... more
  • Key Steps in the Quest for Quality Links
    "What search engines are forcing us to do—especially post-Google Panda—is to win quality links," writes Ken McGaffin in an article at MarketingProfs. "And quality links are hard to get." Hard—but not impossible. McGaffin suggests you begin your quest for stellar links by assembling a list of potential link partners and setting a ... more
  • Quick Tricks for Dressing Up Your YouTube Videos
    There are many ways to produce an attention-getting video, but much of it still feels like alchemy. Lucky for us, Stephanie Buck has pinned eight tricks for brands to try—ones that have made other vids big hits. "Today's consumer loves quirk, something different that he can catchphrase or hashtag," she writes. ... more
  • Four Vital Areas for On-Page SEO
    On-page SEO is critical because it gives search engines an informative snapshot of each Web page—and of your site as a whole. "Think of these signals like the dust jacket of a book," writes Tom Pick at the Webbiquity blog. "[Y]ou can discern quite a bit about what a book is ... more
  • YouTube's Playbook for Producing Compelling Videos
    YouTube enjoys an astounding 3 billion views per day. It's no surprise that big brands are fighting to harness some of those eyeballs. Today the site has more than 20,000 revenue-generating partners. At MIPCOM this year, YouTube announced its intentions to focus on content creators, offering guidance and even Creator Camps ... more
  • The Importance of Variety in Email Campaigns
    Have your email campaigns gotten into a rut? When you bombard subscribers with the same basic message over and over again, your offers start to lose their power—even when they herald the tantalizing discounts and free shipping that customers typically crave. Consider the case of one hapless retailer, which sent ... more
  • How to Evolve With the New Rules of SEO
    "Not long ago in the world of online content, the top search engines were a lot like the most popular casinos in Las Vegas," writes Brendan Cournoyer at the Business 2 Community blog. "Millions came to test their luck at the tables, but the few who knew the tricks—assuming they ... more
  • Five Ways to Optimize Your Blog
    If you don't optimize your blog—or other online content—there's a good chance you're missing out on higher search-engine rankings that could extend your reach well beyond your site's current readership. But take heart: Sometimes all you need are a few tweaks here and there. "A little attention to this area ... more
  • Your 12-Step Social Action Plan
    Twelve-step plans aren't just for kicking bad habits; they're also handy for cultivating powerful new skills. Which is why we're breaking down a few of the 12 steps from Channel V Media's e-book, 12 Key Things You Must Consider When Developing a Social Media Program for Your Business, Your Brand ... more
  • How to Be a Successful Anti-Engager
    Dan Zarella's "Science of Social Media" Webinar inspired a recent post by Facundo Villaveiran at Channelship's Video Blog about the known "truths" of "winning" at social media—and the realities that may or may not match them. Below are a few of Zarella's insights about how some anti-engagement tactics might actually get ... more
  • How to Build Your Email List With a Sweepstakes Competition
    "Even seasoned email marketers who follow best practices for email list development, relevancy, and deliverability still lose about one-third of their subscribers annually due to bounces, unsubscribes, and spam complaints," writes Ross Kramer at the HubSpot blog. "And the attrition rates are even higher for less vigilant marketers." But here's a ... more
  • The Secret to Shorter, More Effective Messaging
    Observing that the typical short (<25 word) marketing message produces almost nothing of value, Adele Revella has set herself to correcting this grave error. According to Revella, the typical business product is a multi-tasker with a long list of features and benefits, meaning we have to get its key merits out ... more
  • Writing Copy That Closes the Deal on Your Sales Page
    In a guest post at Remarkablogger, Amy Harrison notes the strange tonal shift that happens on the way to a website's sales page: "Whilst your blog content might have the relaxed, wholesome air of sharing ideas in a warm and cosy coffee shop, your sales page can seem like an ... more

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