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Marketing Articles: Writing

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  • It Doesn't Have to Be Either-Or
    A question many small businesses face when money is tight is whether to invest in pay-per-click (PPC) search marketing or search engine optimization (SEO). The answer, says Claudia Bruemmer in a recent blog post, is both. "Start a PPC campaign to gain visibility in the search engines and define the ... more
  • Stand Up to Stand Out
    According to Madison Riley and Brooks Kitchel of Kurt Salmon Associates, retailers often respond to sluggish sales by slashing prices and hoping to beat the competition on value. But there's a problem. "Contrary to the common practice of deep discounting in troubled times," they argue, "competing on compelling products is ... more
  • Hey! Is This a Bait-and-Switch?
    In a post at the FutureNow blog, Bryan Eisenberg recalls an email from Nikon that caught his attention with the subject line "My Picturetown—20GB for just a few cents a day!" So far, so good. But clicking on the message's call-to-action—Store my photos and videos—led him to a landing page ... more
  • When the Honeymoon Is Over
    "Are you on an SEO honeymoon?" asks Ben McKay in a recent Search Engine Journal post. You know you are, he says. when you can think of simple ways to increase your client's search-engine rankings and garner fast results. But what happens when you've picked all the low-hanging fruit? "You've ... more
  • Yum! That Smells Good!
    Here's a juicy tidbit to chew on: One of the reasons Facebook is such a force in the social scene is that it makes it easy to catch up with friends without actually having to talk to them. Yep, you got it: Your Newsfeed outfits you with their latest photos, blog ... more
  • 10 Practical Tips for Creating Blockbuster E-Books
    by Jonathan Kranz
    Without careful planning, your e-book may become a sinkhole of confused agendas, missed opportunities, and poor distribution. Here are a few key things that might help you avoid the pains and achieve the gains. more
  • Find Out What It Means to Me
    In a post at, Andrew Kordek acknowledges the ongoing push for relevant email campaigns—sending the right message to the right person at the right time. But despite these discussions, he worries that email marketers stop short of demonstrating true R-E-S-P-E-C-T for the people on their email lists. "Are you ... more
  • Form the Perfect SEO Storm
    Applying SEO best practices like keyword research and link-building is a surefire way to start increasing your search rankings. However, in a recent Search Engine Watch post, Chris Boggs warns us not to forget the non-SEO ways to get websites consistently ranked for relevant desired terms. "SEO involves getting lots ... more
  • Avoid Back Alleys at All Cost
    "Imagine if a customer in one of your stores asked a rep where to find a particular product and that rep directed [her] to a door that led to the alley behind the store," says Chad White in a post at the Retail Email Blog. "What do you think that ... more
  • This Business Ain't for the Birds
    OK, we admit it: For a platform as popular as it's become, Twitter's surprisingly hard to understand to the untrained eye. What are all those messages? IMs? Forum discussions? Public IMs? And what the heck is a "tweeple," for goodness sake?!! Most importantly: What's with this rumor that Twitter can ... more
  • Shall We Morph?
    Wondering how your retail website will survive the next digital innovation? Read on. In a post at the Standing Out From the Crowd blog, Luis Serpa offers advice for website retailers trying to keep up with the times—and with their users' preferences. First, he lists a few key tech changes he ... more
  • Can We Link Up Sometime?
    What are two of the biggest obstacles companies face in link marketing? Consultant Justilien Gaspard believes they are: (1) developing linkable content, and (2) making people aware of it. In a recent Search Engine Watch article, he offers advice on how to overcome these Big Two and start linking up with hot ... more
  • Trust Us, This Is Legit
    "It must be tough to be a financial institution in 2009," says DJ Waldow in a post at the Email Experience Council blog. "I'm not referring to the current financial crisis. I'm talking about trying to convince consumers that the email you are sending is legitimate (not spam, not phishing)." ... more
  • Webinar Invitation Success: Less Is More
    When it comes to webinar campaigns, less is usually more. Relying on a "spray and pray" approach may drive attendance numbers initially—but often leads to higher drop-off rates and fewer qualified leads. In a whitepaper titled "Top 10 Tips for Webinar Invitation Success," Connect Direct Inc. (CDI) offers advice for ... more
  • Get Horizontal
    If you worry that an email with a horizontal (left-to-right) scroll will confuse your subscribers, Dylan Boyd is prepared to disagree. Unless it tests well, he doesn't suggest using this type of scroll as a regular feature, but he does think it can serve as a useful interrupter that spurs engagement. ... more
  • Avoid Gmail's Black Hole
    In a post at Copyblogger, Sonia Simone reports on a recent study from Return Path that found 23 percent of permission-based email never reaches the inbox of Gmail users. "No, I'm not saying it goes to a junk box," she says. "Most of it doesn't get delivered at all. No ... more
  • How Can I Find the Words?
    In a recent post on the blog, Dustin Williams notes that every successful search campaign starts with finding the right keywords. It's important to not rush that precious keyword research, he says, because, "the goal is not only to rank well for many search terms but to also rank well ... more
  • A Whole New Way to Unsubscribe
    As an email marketer, you'll be, well, interested in a new development at Gmail. "Some of you already use the 'Report Spam' button on all kinds of unwanted email," Brad Taylor tells users in a post at the Gmail blog, "and for that we're very thankful: The more spam you ... more
  • Stellar Viral Videos, Pt. II
    Last week, we showed you some cool makeup vids as an example of how viral videos can rack in the mega-bucks. This time, we offer a sample of how a consistent, useful and compelling online video campaign can serve your brand amazingly well. Consider "Will it Blend," a fascinating online ... more
  • Look to Where the Sun Is Shining
    "The Hispanic market seems to be the only one still flourishing these days in the face of economic doom and gloom," says Blaire Borthayre in an article at MarketingProfs. And there are, she argues, a number of reasons why the buying power of these savvy consumers will likely grow to ... more
  • First Impressions Sure Do Count
    In an article at MarketingProfs, Louis Chatoff argues that the success of any email campaign largely comes down to creating a good first impression. To gain approval, he says, an email marketer must—above all—focus on the quality and relevance of each message sent. "It simply doesn't work to quickly throw ... more
  • You CAN Get Satisfaction
    Mick Jagger sang, "I can't get no satisfaction," and that's apparently how many SEM professionals feel about their efforts these days. A recent report from [x+1] found that even though organizations are still investing as much if not more in SEM during this down economy, they have been somewhat unhappy ... more
  • Don't Become a Frenemy
    "Refer-A-Friend campaigns can be tricky territory," says Kristen Gregory in a post at the Bronto blog. "Let's be very clear: just because someone gives you the email address of their friend does not mean you have permission to email [that friend] whenever you want, as often as you like." For ... more
  • Lessons From a Cardboard Box
    Mark Brownlow of Email Marketing Reports says he learned a thing or two while working in a cardboard-box factory as a teenager. "The first was the importance of proofreading," he says. "There are not a lot of alternative uses for 200,000 boxes advertising ‘Premium banannas.’ " Another lesson was the ... more
  • Thanks for Nothing
    In a post at the Marketing Interactions blog, Ardath Albee tells the story of a phone call from a favorite charity, and an inarticulate young man who explained that he wasn't calling to ask for a donation. His purpose, though, was not immediately clear. "He launched into reading a script ... more

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