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Marketing Articles: Writing

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  • by Mark Brownlow
    A lot has changed in marketing since 2002, but some principles still hold true. This MarketingProfs Classic, originally published January 22, 2002, is a timeless look at the mistakes email marketers make—mistakes that prevent an email newsletter from reaching its full potential. more
  • by Nick Usborne
    It may seem strange to compare an e-newsletter with a blog. But it's not so strange at all, because it wasn't long ago that we turned to online newsletters -- not static Web sites -- to find interesting, engaging, timely and topical news and information. The best e-newsletters share ... more
  • by Galen DeYoung
    Most adopters of search engine optimization have been B2C companies operating in an e-commerce environment. However, as business-to-business marketers recognize the potential of search, many are seeking ways to implement an effective B2B search engine optimization strategy. To be successful, however, you need to understand the critical differences between B2C ... more
  • by Hank Stroll
    Small businesses don't often have the resources for the amount of effort needed to succeed with the likes of Google, Yahoo and MSN Search out there. Luckily, the Internet offers lots of free tools to maximize marketing and search engine efforts. Readers offer three ways to take advantage. more
  • by Stephan Spencer
    They say that "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." Not if you are a Web site owner and you have a brand to protect! Stephan has seen designs copied, content copied... even entire sites copied. It's easy for someone to "View Source" and take whatever they like, without regard to ... more
  • by Stanislav Kravets
    Microsoft's PowerPoint long ago became one of the most popular tools for business presentations. That's likely because of its efficiency and simplicity. But what about cases when PowerPoint's resources are not enough to deliver on the goals of communication? more
  • by Ann Handley
    Chief Content Officer Ann Handley takes a look back at the blogging year that was for the MarketingProfs Daily Fix blog—and the lessons learned from launching a group blog for marketers. If you're thinking of starting your own blog, or if you're just curious about what it takes, take a gander. more
  • by Gerry McGovern
    Do you have the killer instinct? A small percentage of Web content really makes a difference. It makes the sale, delivers the service, and builds the brand. This is the killer Web content. It probably represents less than 10% of content published on the Web, because—let's face it—most content just gets ... more
  • by Nick Usborne
    All too often, Web pages, even homepages, provide readers with a variety of choices, but don't really provide a clear way forward. This is particularly true when a site has multiple products or services to sell. If visitors read your homepage and become interested in something you are selling or ... more
  • by Jonathan Kranz
    Today, your Web site is more than just a media source where people find information about your business; it's the place where many customer relationships begin. In your prospects' minds, their experience of your site is a foreshadowing of their experience with your company or organization. Establishing a favorable relationship is ... more
  • by Hank Stroll
    What's the best way to get big results from a small budget? more
  • by Nick Usborne
    Simplicity is probably the most important underlying factor when it comes to the performance of any Web page... whether your homepage, an interior page, a sales page, or a landing page. Here are six ways to keep your pages simple and increase conversions. more
  • by Nick Usborne
    Writers face specific challenges when writing a home page. In fact, home pages can be tricky, simply because your page not only has its own job to do but also has to support a group of second-level pages. Here's how Nick approaches the task... whether a site has a total of ... more
  • by Hank Stroll
    This week: Many businesses have succeeded in selling products online in the form of e-books, e-reports and other downloadable content. Of course, it's not as simple as posting the product on your Web site and hoping buyers will come. The challenge comes in getting potential customers to your site in ... more
  • by Barry Fenning
    If your visitors like your Web site, there is a very good likelihood that the search engines will, too. With this in mind, the following 10 tips focus on how to develop your site with your visitors in mind, and also effectively conduct search engine optimization. more
  • by Doug Stern
    Selling intangibles is hard work. Putting together a successful Web site that peddles intangibles is even harder. Here's a look at the top sins that many professional services sites—maybe most—commit... along with some suggestions on what can be done about them. more
  • by Nick Usborne
    Sometimes, copywriters and content writers write in clichés. They say things like, "Company X offers an integrated end-to-end solution." To a reader, the line has barely any meaning, and certainly no impact. Why not? Because it is too familiar. Because he or she has read the same phrase too many times ... more
  • by Wil Reynolds
    Google recently launched Google Trends, a tool that allows you to view keyword search trends by year and month. You can also view trends by news mentions and by region/country of searchers performing searches. Here are some real-world ways marketers can use the data in this truly useful tool to help ... more
  • by Stephan Spencer
    Are you confident that the tactics you, your web designer, and your SEO all employ won't get you slapped by the search engines? If you can't say with absolutely certainty that you're squeaky clean, then you'd better study the following list of black hat tactics to avoid. more
  • by Stephanie Diamond
    We've all read about Web 2.0 and the impact it will have on businesses. Some find the principles life-altering, others say it's pure hype. Whichever camp you are in, you can't ignore the fact that business is changing—especially online. Here are five categories that managers need to consider now to keep ... more
  • by Stephan Spencer
    Blogging is one of the hottest trends on the Web. Whether yours is an individual blog, a group blog, a character blog, or a CEO blog, there's no doubt that, done right, a blog can position you as a thought leader, bring your Web presence to life, and help you ... more
  • by Jay Bower
    Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is not just the marketing flavor of the week. It is a very profitable way to get prospects to Web sites for a long time to come. It is direct marketing at its purest. To succeed with PPC, you need to apply all the rules for media, ... more
  • by Dan Skeen
    The aggressive drive to be the number-one search result in Google continues to change the nature of communication. No one is feeling that more than today's copywriters. In less than a decade, many copywriters have fundamentally changed, or felt pressured to change, their approach to the craft. They have learned ... more
  • by Hank Stroll
    Not all site traffic is good. Like automobile traffic, sometimes traffic is just... congestion, and just gets in the way of those who you really want to come your way. How can marketers target the *right* sort of traffic? more

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