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Marketing Articles: Advertising

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  • Case Study: How Pioneer Achieved a Whopping 60%+ Click-Through Rate for Its Online Ads
    by Kimberly Smith
    Here's how Pioneer Electronics earned amazing click-through rates on its targeted online ads. more
  • All in Good (SEO) Time
    "They say an Internet year is … equivalent to seven normal years," says Kevin Gibbon in a post at SEOptimise—meaning that we can witness seven real-world-years' worth of change in one year online. To help search marketers keep up, Gibbon offers seven ways to stay on top of the competition in the ... more
  • Now There's an Owl for That
    Sweet news, hardcore Twitter users! Hootsuite—the Twitter management tool developed with marketers in mind—just released an app for the iPhone. That means you can now access the handy features of Hootsuite in any old roost! We first covered Hootsuite shortly after Canadian company Invoke Media launched the adorable owl-themed service. It made ... more
  • Mobile Coupons Attract Younger Consumers
    Mobile couponing is still in its early stages, yet nearly two-thirds (66%) of younger adults (age 18-34) who own a mobile phone say they are at least somewhat likely to try receiving and redeeming bar-coded coupons via their mobile phones, compared with 46% of all adults who say the same, ... more
  • HDTVs Could Reach 74% of Homes by 2012
    Nearly two-thirds (62%) of US consumers have HDTVs in their home, and another 12% are looking to purchase one within the next two years, bringing the potential market penetration to nearly three out of four households (74%) in the US, according to a new study from ORC. more
  • Americans Passionate About Music, OK With Ads
    Americans love their music: 72% of consumers surveyed consider themselves passionate about music,* and one-third (33%) say they "would give anything" to meet their music idols, according to a recent survey from Synovate. more
  • Time for Tea and Tweets
    Remember when we told you about Twitcam, the service that lets you stream live video via Twitter? This is kind of like that, but with more oomph and less lag. Say hello to tinychat, which lets you host live Web meetings, TV shows, music jam sessions—or whatever else you wanna do ... more
  • Unclear ROI Impedes Mobile Marketing
    Though most companies (75%) say mobile marketing is at least somewhat important to their marketing plans this year, many are still unsure about its practicality and ROI: 32% of marketers and business professionals cite not knowing how to make a business case as their biggest impediment to executing a mobile ... more
  • Newspaper Sites Draw 37% of Web Users
    Newspaper websites attracted an average monthly unique audience of 72 million visitors in the fourth quarter of 2009末37% of all Internet users末according to the Newspaper Association of America (NAA). more
  • Hurry Up or You'll Be Sorry!
    Some companies seem addicted to email campaigns that shout breathless, time-sensitive offers. Each week, it seems, they tell subscribers about special deals that simply can't be missed—only to make a similar offer the following week. In a post at the Email Marketing Reports blog, Mark Brownlow provides a screenshot with 19 emails ... more
  • What Can Celebrities Do for You?
    If you tune in to Access Hollywood or flip through the pages of Us magazine, you'll see features on the clothing, accessories, jewelry and cosmetics favored by trend-setting celebrities. In many cases, these products were provided as "gifts" from companies eager for the editorial coverage that a celebrity's interest can ... more
  • You Were Right Here All the Time?
    We recently encouraged businesses to expand their local search horizons and add more local flavor to their national search campaigns. Now, in a post at the Content Rich blog, Jon Wuebben offers more arguments for growing local roots in your search campaigns.  Wuebben quotes Neg Norton, president of the Yellow Pages Association, who ... more
  • Android Shaking Up Smartphone Market
    Google's Android has been available as an open-source platform for just over one year, but the new mobile operating system has already gained significant market traction: Android users initiated seven times more downloads of mobile entertainment content than iPhone users in the fourth quarter of 2009, according to Myxer. more
  • Lessons of the Little Mermaid
    You're probably familiar with the story of The Little Mermaid. In this classic tale of unrequited love, a girl exchanges her voice for the chance to be close to a prince. It's a parable about finding the right voice amid the melee. Faced with a plentitude of uncertainties about social media, ... more
  • All Together, Now, Brand!
    As the marketplace continues to change and evolve, there's a possibility that you've developed a new vision for your company and a new commitment to your industry. Perhaps, in the process, you have even determined that you need a new name or a new way of talking about what you ... more
  • Social Media Top Priority for Digital Marketers
    In anticipation of a stronger global economy, digital marketing末fueled by social technologies that interact directly with customers末is positioned to thrive in 2010: 81% of brand executives expect increases in the volume of digital projects during the year, according to a survey form the Society of Digital Agencies (SoDA). more
  • I No Robot. Hear Me?
    Too often, argues Julia Rubiner in the Editorial Emergency newsletter, automated email messages lack the human touch. "They frequently sound like they're coming from a robot for whom English is a second language," she says. "If you're trying to connect with people and persuade them to take action … you ... more
  • Seniors Least Likely to Use Internet
    Only 38% of US adults age 65+ are online末a significantly lower rate of Internet adoption than both the general population (74%) and the next-oldest group, adults age 50-64 (70%), according to research from Pew Internet. more
  • Consumers Seek Newspaper, Magazine Ads for Bargains
    Newspaper and magazine ads are still the preferred way for consumers to find shopping deals, but the Internet is not far behind, according to a survey from Harris Interactive. more
  • Five Reasons Why Mobile Marketing Is Prime for B2Bs—And Five Key Questions B2B Marketers Should Be Asking
    by Christina "CK" Kerley
    In the B2C space there's a lot of buzz around mobile marketing, but in the B2B sector it's more likened to a whisper. B2Bs are missing out on super-sized opportunities for integrating a valuable new brand touch point for their customers and establishing a dynamic new communications channel with professional ... more
  • What Stonyfield, Method, and Green Mountain Roasters Know (and You Should, Too)
    by Ted Mininni
    New vision and approaches can add significantly more value to brands over their competitors. Some brands can easily become commodities. Unless they choose otherwise. more
  • Who Are Potential Apple Tablet Buyers?
    The new Apple tablet has wide appeal and will significantly expand Apple's customer base, as half of potential buyers don't own an iPod or iPhone, according to an SRG survey of online Americans age 12+. more
  • Mobile Advertising ROI: What Works, What Doesn't
    Animated ads are the fastest-growing and most-effective mobile ad format among both brand and direct-response focused campaigns, enabling marketers to tell a more complex message without the necessity of a click, according to a study from Quattro Wireless. more
  • I Knew You'd Be There for Me
    Belgian beer label Stella Artois has added a splash of engagement to its marketing strategy with Le Bar Guide. Developed by Acrossair, Le Bar Guide is a free app that points users to the nearest bar serving Stella. Run searches by ZIP Code, or switch the augmented reality feature on—and have ... more
  • Super Bowl Viewers Tune in for Ads
    Over one-half (51%) of Super Bowl viewers enjoy the commercials that air throughout the game more than the game itself, according to the Nielsen Company. The remaining 49% say they enjoy the game more than the ads. more

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