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- SEO experts have spent the last decade preaching a gospel of optimized page-level elements and inbound links. "Those things are still important today," Jonathan Lawoyin writes in an article at MarketingProfs, "but getting real SEO results these days requires not only a technically optimized website and relevant inbound links but ... more
- Mobile ads served to Apple's iOS deliver higher click-through rate (CTR) than those served to other smartphone operating systems, outperforming ads served to Google Android phones by more than 2.5 times, according to a study by MediaMind. Timing also plays a role, with overall mobile ad performance reaching its peak ... more
- If you have a website that gets a good deal of traffic but generates no money, placing ads on your site may be the key to success. Learn how ad type, placement, and location can boost your website revenue. more
- Online video viewing continues to grow—particularly such categories as full-length movies and TV shows—according to a study by Yahoo Insights: 57% of users now watch online video on any given day, up 14 percentage points from the 43% who did so in 2009. more
- "Negative keywords can … refine your keyword list and filter out unwanted traffic for your paid-search campaigns," writes Jill Solomon in an article at MarketingProfs. "Excluding specific words or phrases that aren't relevant to your product or service can help you reach your ideal prospects, reduce your cost per click ... more
- Google Sites, driven primarily by video viewing at YouTube.com, comprised the top-ranked online video content property in May 2011, delivering some 2.1 billion viewing sessions and the highest amount of time spent per viewer (311 minutes on average), crossing the 5-hour mark for the first time, according to data from ... more
- When searching for local business information, consumers consult between two and three (2.2) media sources on average with Yellow Pages (Internet and print) and search engines among the most popular, surpassing other media sources such as store circulars, promotional emails, and social networks, according to a study by the Local ... more
- Although only 22% of local merchants say they have used Facebook Ads, nearly two-thirds of those who have done so (64.9%) say they would use the service again, according to a report by MerchantCircle. Meanwhile, 65.7% of surveyed local merchants say they use Facebook for marketing. more
- This is the decade for geotargeted local advertising and bringing the global presence to the local user. Though it may seem daunting, getting local can be a simple and rewarding process if you follow these seven steps. more
- In a rapidly changing media landscape, social media has retained its value to consumers as a source of entertainment, whereas television and movies have lost significant share, according to a study by Edelman. more
- As shoppers become smarter and more informed—using online channels to evaluate options, socialize about brands, and find the best deals— they are becoming less impulsive when making purchase decisions, according to a new survey from Yahoo. more
- Business professionals working in the legal, retail, and software industries are most likely to take action—such as download a whitepaper, start a free trial, or make a purchase—after clicking on an ad, according to a study by Bizo. Those working in certain job functions, such as operations, legal, and sales, ... more
- "White hat search engine optimization (SEO) principles that apply to B2B online marketing also apply to B2C, but B2B is otherwise a different animal," writes Nick Stamoulis in an article at MarketingProfs. In other words, SEO is simply not the same strategy for B2B as it is for B2C. And to ... more
- Email and search marketing still have the greatest influence on consumers' online buying behaviors, whereas social media, though it generates awareness, is rarely associated with direct revenue, according to a study by Forrester Research and GSI Commerce. more
- Nearly 1.1 trillion display ad impressions were delivered to US Internet users in the first quarter of 2011; among them, Facebook accounted for 346 billion—31.2% of the total display market—nearly twice the level delivered one year earlier, according to data from comScore Ad Metrix. more
- Ad agency executives say online video is an increasingly powerful tool to reach audiences and, largely because of video's targeting capabilities, fully six in ten say online video ads are more effective than (30%) or as effective as (31%) ads delivered via television, according to a survey from BrightRoll. more
- "Trigger emails have thrust their way into the online marketing consciousness with a confident swagger and the promise of a brighter future for all," writes Mark Brownlow at Email Marketing Reports. "The positive press has its justification: trigger emails seem to solve the main challenges faced by the modern email ... more
- Social media advertising revenues are forecast to reach $8.3 billion in 2015, up from an estimated $2.1 billion in 2010—a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 31.6%, according to BIA/Kelsey's US Local Media Annual Forecast. more
- After several years of making cuts, B2B marketing leaders are increasing their budgets 6.7% in 2011 over 2010 levels, with tech-services companies driving much of the expansion, according to a report by Forrester Research. more
- Yahoo Sites comprised the top-ranked Web property in March 2011 with 179.5 million visitors, followed by Google Sites with 176.8 million and Microsoft Sites with 176.4 million, according to comScore Media Metrix service. FoxNews.com (ranked No. 41) joined the top 50 ranking for the first time in March, as did ... more
- In a recent Search Agents post, Mary Hayes reports that Forrester Research forecasts "marketing spend on mobile display ads and search will surpass $1 billion in 2011." She advises marketers that, if they haven't already done so, now is the time to jump on the mobile bandwagon. But Hayes also ... more
- Online advertising appears to be back on track: US Internet ad revenues reached an all-time high of $26.0 billion in 2010, up 14.9% from $22.7 billion in 2009, fueled by growth in display-related formats, according to the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). more
- Nearly one-half (49%) of mobile searchers—people who use the mobile Web at least weekly—say they have made at least one purchase via mobile device in the previous six months, according to a study by Performics and ROI Research. more
- Global ad expenditure is now forecast to grow 4.2% in 2011, down from the 4.6% forecast in December 2010, due to the effects of political instability in the Middle East and the earthquake in Japan, according to projections by ZenithOptimedia. Even so, online advertising is expected to continue surging worldwide, ... more
- In a video interview with Web Marketing Today, Bryan Eisenberg offers a 7-minute primer on what he terms the Five Rs of search engine marketing. "I really wanted to demystify [the five core principles], especially for a lot of small and midsize businesses," he explains. "They hear so much conflicting ... more