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Quick Reads: General Management

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  • Connect Remote Workers With Social SoftwareSocial Media
    If you're running a small business, one of your biggest allies is the freelancer or the remote worker—even if she's not at your doorstep (which she increasingly isn't). But if you ...
  • Five Social Lessons for Small Business From Big BusinessSocial Media
    Social may democratize the marketing landscape, but big businesses still have the upper hand in terms of best-practices, simply because they have more resources to devote to new media. What's ...
  • Three Arguments to Promote Smarter Email CampaignsEmail Marketing
    In a post at Marketing Insights, Tom Meriam recounts a nightmare scenario described by one of his prospects: Two weeks into a new job, the CEO demanded that an email ...
  • Four Steps to More Effective Virtual Business MeetingsB2B Marketing
    Besides saving time and money, teleconferences offer other rewards. For one thing, they can be recorded for further review. And they are flexible: Participants can be patched into a virtual ...
  • How Marketing-IT Cooperation Can Improve Website PerformanceSmall Business
    Every so often, a major retailer makes headlines when its website goes haywire. But online glitches endanger small businesses, too. "Lost revenues and tarnished corporate and personal images don't discriminate ...
  • Content Marketing Lessons From The Daily ShowContent Marketing
    The Daily Show had been on TV for three years before audiences took notice. Back in 1999, when the show first aired, its inconsistent format and lack of focus all ...
  • What Can You Accomplish in 10 Minutes? (A Lot.)Small Business
    In a post at Great B2B Marketing, Christopher Ryan recalls a fitness instructor who observed how members with New Year's resolutions crowd the gym in January—and often vanish by February. ...
  • Before You Plan: Four Vital Questions About Your Content MarketingContent Marketing
    Although he has helped numerous clients  formulate content marketing plans, Mike Sweeney encountered what he terms "planner's block" when attempting to devise a plan for his own company. How could ...
  • The Four Starring Roles Every Business Project NeedsSocial Media
    As social media marketers know, social outreach projects need to function like clockwork—often in real time—to be truly effective. But how do you build project teams that consistently produce? Here's an ...
  • The Case for Hiring an SEO AgencySearch Engine Marketing
    Should you conduct search engine optimization in-house, or should you hire an outside agency to do the heavy lifting? It's a question you've probably asked your team before—and each solution ...
  • Don't Let Doubt Kill Your Big IdeaSmall Business
    It happens to any innovator: As you develop a big idea, doubt inevitably sets in. "If you are doing something that hasn't been done before, careful analysis will by definition ...
  • A Social Platform That Serves Your Team Members One at a TimeSocial Media
    There are plenty of internal computer platforms that promise to make employees more efficient: standalone CRMs, heavy-handed intranets and project management software that needs managing all on its own. Then ...
  • Four Tips for Promoting Content Marketing to the C-SuiteSearch Engine Marketing
    "You know content marketing can do big things for your brand," writes Corey O'Loughlin at MarketingProfs' Daily Fix blog. "The only problem is: The powers that be may not know ...
  • What You Can Learn From Steve JobsSmall Business
    "Few of us have the chance to achieve 1/100th of what Steve Jobs has achieved," writes Bill Taylor at Harvard Business Online. "But all of us can look at his ...
  • Three Keys to Maintaining Google-Style Business InnovationB2B Marketing
    In an interview at Adweek, Google's Head of Global Ad Marketing Lisa Gevelber explains the mission of Think Quarterly, the company's new business magazine. Google realized that "a lot of ...
  • Four Lessons From the Social Business TrenchesSocial Media
    On CMSWire, Web engagement strategist Dion Heathcliff shares what he has learned from successful—and not so successful—social businesses in recent years. The lessons he offers address "what to focus on and what ...
  • Nine Questions to Ask When Hiring an SEO ExpertSearch Engine Marketing
    If you're not an SEO expert, you might wonder what to ask when hiring SEO staff or consultants. How do you tell the difference between someone who knows exactly what ...
  • Social Skills for Content Officers: Four Basic RequirementsSocial Media
    You've heard of website community managers, but what about content officers? Those are the folks responsible for your site's content—what it looks like, what it reads or sounds like, where ...
  • Three Mistaken Beliefs That Can Cripple Marketing TeamsB2B Marketing
    What makes for a great marketing team? A dynamic leader at the helm? The right mix of compatible personalities? A steady influx of new talent? Or could making assumptions like ...
  • Six Tips for Presenting a Social Media Strategy to the C-SuiteSocial Media
    If you are rockin' the social sphere, at some point you may have to present your work to some higher-ups. No pressure. Just remember this: Your presentation could mean the ...
  • How to Sift Through Unintentional LiesSmall Business
    When you ask for feedback on a proposed innovation, writes Scott Anthony at Harvard Business Online, sit back and brace yourself for one lie after another from your stakeholders. They ...
  • How and When to 'Reply All'Small Business
    The "reply all" button can produce all kinds of headaches—from filling inboxes with unnecessary chatter to damaging a brand's reputation. "Unwitting or careless use of reply all spawns much mischief," ...
  • Three Tips for Making Smart HiresSmall Business
    Successful marketing requires a strong team—whether it's dealing with customers on the front line, writing copy for email campaigns or developing products. "One way to hire smart is to never ...
  • The Three Pillars of Social Media ReadinessSocial Media
    As we strive to maintain impressive brand personas in the world of social media, unforeseen challenges can arise—from the inside out. It pays to bear in mind that things invisible to the ...
  • Three Rules for the Small Business CEO Small Business
    "At least once every day I consider replacing myself with a 'real' CEO," writes Ian Lurie at Conversation Marketing. "Then I could just be the nerd in the cave, writing ...

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