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Marketing Opinions: Content

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  • by Andrea Learned
    A tad sleepy and mind-aflutter with sensory input from a whole other world (quite literally), my recent trip to Dubai was a wonderful What I was reminded Unless we make the effort to get to know more about other cultures and traditions by visiting or at least studying up on ... more
  • by Lewis Green
    "One thing that's somehow bothering me is that it seems we get caught up in our own BS.... I know it looks foolish if we don't follow the hottest trend in marketing, but we should know better... is it really a new big thing or did we drink some of ... more
  • by Andrea Learned
    When you think about the best marketing efforts, they are often the ones with which you have been able to find some common ground. Whether that be in the fact that the television ad uses a model that looks like your sister, or you see a testimonial on a Web ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    Many of you faithful readers of the Daily Fix know first-hand that has had a very fortunate year. After all, we this blog a mere 8 months ago and, thanks in no small part to all of you, have seen it with a big group hug by marketers around the ... more
  • by Lewis Green
    Whether you choose to or not, you likely will eat more than a little SPAM this holiday According to an article at CNET "In October, 63 billion junk messages were sent daily, on average, compared with 31 billion a year ago, according to data from IronPort Systems. Another antispam specialist, ... more
  • by Gerry McGovern
    Admit you have a The first step to recovery is to admit that you are organization-centric. Say Take off your coat. You can hang it over there. The evenings are closing in, aren't they? Have a seat. Have a seat. Tea or coffee? Black or white? I like mine black ... more
  • by Stephan Spencer
    The prospect of business blogging can terrify the inexperienced blogger. They may "What if I do it badly?" "What if I somehow manage to damage or destroy my or my company's reputation?!" Scary thought! But once you start blogging, I think you'll find those fears just melt Having a "safe ... more
  • by Andrea Learned
    It is no secret that, while the majority of women commit to at least the annual doctor's visit so that they'll more likely have some chance at screening for the most common health issues, men don't seem to have the same In general, women might be more likely to consider ... more
  • by Alain Thys
    I'm preparing for a speech I'll be giving at the Marketing 3 conference in the Netherlands where I'll be "über-coolly" flanked by Chris , Stefan and Ilya (makes me wonder what they were smoking when they called me While I won't use this , I did want to bring it ... more
  • by BL Ochman
    The fake keeps rearing its ugly head. And it's not going to go away any time Hans at Media Culpa that the url was kidnapped by an anti-Wal-mart group which launched a pretty funny parody of the Wal-mart site. Why? Because, doh, Edelman failed to register the most logical URL ... more
  • by Lee MarcStein
    Veterans like me know that response to our direct mail is never going to be what it was decades ago. Among the prime * Cluttered * Distractions from other media (and particularly now online * The ageing of America .... young people don't respond to direct Hmm, maybe. But I ... more
  • by Spike Jones
    Ad agencies - large and small - are shakin' in their boots and trying to turn the tide against the very people that they get paid to market to. Ironic, isn't Recently a lot of negativity towards Customer Generated Media (CGM) has been showing up. And .... shocker .... it's ... more
  • by Elaine Fogel
    For those "people who need people" to influence their behavior and buying habits, Barbra Streisand's tour patter fulfills the definition of word-of-mouth I saw Barbra Streisand's tour performance this week. Before I get into the marketing rationale for this post, let me share something personal with I saw her on ... more
  • by Jim Kelly
    Today I received an e-mail asking how to get an article published in the newsletter I work , but since that's not my function I referred its author to the correct contact. As I looked over the pitch however, I foresaw doom for this I saw two glaring misspellings in ... more
  • by Lewis Green
    Http:// more
  • by Mark Vanderbeeken
    More insights from the European Market Research . Today, James Surowiecki on The Wisdom of James Surowiecki is an extremely well-skilled public speaker. He managed to give a detailed and well-structured 45-minute presentation on his book The Wisdom of with many examples, without notes and without His argument is that ... more
  • by Lewis Green
    Still, marketing is about story telling, and I'll share mine if you share yours. Or is that a bad idea? more
  • by Jim Kukral
    I come to you, the marketing elite who don't play in my circles of affiliate . Ok, well, you might, but probably not as deep in the I say that not to be arrogant, it's just that the affiliate marketing circles are pretty small and close, therefore we need an ... more
  • by Mark Vanderbeeken
    The European Market Research Event (which I am attending today and tomorrow) started off with three parallel usability, online research, and best practices in research My selection of talks is purely based on personal preferences and obviously only a snapshot of about a third of the Flemming Ostergaard, I started ... more
  • by Eric Ward
    With roughly 20,000 press releases a week injected into the webosphere, I'm wistful for the day back in 1995 when I sent one of my very first email-based press releases to announce a web site for Annie Through the magic of Google and Deja that press release is still out ... more
  • by Mike Wagner
    There are at least two big ways to get laughs .... - tell a joke or do A comedian who simply tells jokes is trying to sell the audience a clever story and a punch line. Their laughter. On a good night their warehouse of punch lines "sells" like hotcakes. ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    Are you going to ? I am, as an invited "embedded blogger," so to speak, and I'd love to see you I don't attend many marketing conferences these days. Fun as many are, the truth is that I am so swamped with the day-to-day business of producing all manner of ... more
  • by Tim Jackson
    As bloggers, how many times have we asked this question or had the question asked of "Are you gonna blog Last week I had my yearly with one of my major parts suppliers for the annual new product presentation. During this meeting, I get to see all of the latest ... more
  • by Lewis Green
    Since Donald resigned (or was he fired?), I keep thinking about the significance of having a personality that rubs people like sandpaper across a baby's This is significant in life and in work, I For a moment, let us forget Rumsfeld's handling of Iraq or his restructuring on military capabilities, ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    Most of you bloggers have heard about , right? But please... don't tell me you've thought of Here's the PayPerPost pitch, in a "Get Paid for Blogging. You've been writing about Web sites, products, services and companies you love for years and you have yet to benefit from all the ... more

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