
Topic: Advertising/PR

How Do I Write A Media Brief For My Agency

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
What information do I need to give my new advertising agency for them to write a media strategy?
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  • Posted on Member
    Hi Julie,
    I would suggest you use the 5 W's when writing your media brief. A media brief has to be news worthy. These are some of the things you should consider when writing a news worthy peice
    1. Who
    2. What
    3. Where
    4. Why
    5. How

    I would suggest you read this book by Paul Krupin "Trash Proof News Release" it is a great book. I have a copy that I find useful. It has news releases that got publicity.

    Additionally, I have used this service that I find to be rewarding. It is publicity Guaranteed . Here is their link.

    I hope this is helpful.

    Web URL deleted by staff
  • Posted on Member
    Hi Julie,

    Perhaps the better question should be "Why can't my new advertising agency tell me what information they need to write a media brief for me"?

    Why are you doing all the work? They should easily be able to interview you -- ask the right questions -- so that you don't have to spend time figuring out what to say. That is their job as an agency not yours as a client.

    I suggest hooking up directly witha freelance PR pro if you want media exposure. It will cost you less, you won't have to do all the work, and you will get better results.


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