
Topic: Advertising/PR

Trying Pinterest Ads

Posted by ahmadputraprayoga on 25 Points
As a furniture producer.. i would to ask about promoting my product at pinterest, is it worth it to make a campaign at pinterest? as you can see my product at
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Before you advertise on Pinterest it's important to understand where your idea buyers are located. If most of your sales are in and around Java, Singapore, Malaysia, and Australia, it may be better to connect with interior designers, interior design social media streams, style and decorating magazines, and architects throughout the region via direct mail and email, with a range of offers that speak directly to specific needs.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Two other things:

    1. Given the increased sensitivity these days to the environment and deforestation, clarify where your wood is sourced and how it's harvested. You need to give a rock solid guarantee that your wood is from sustainable, environmentally aware, and/or recycled sources.

    2. You might also want to invest in some kind of plugin that renders an automatic translation of your website copy into other languages, specifically English.
  • Posted by alekserg37 on Member
    I've visited your web-site and your furniture is wonderful! I'm pretty sure you might have a good success in European market. In case you decide to develop that market, I think advices of Gary Bloomer are good. Also logistic is very important to organize properly. For European market I'd recommend to start from finding distributors, who might be interested in representing you locally. To find the reps, you can at Furniture Trade Shows in Italy. Because the exhibitions in Italy are like a centers of all home-staff promotion and designing.
  • Posted by vyasgcreatives on Member
    Certainly! In short, whether a Pinterest campaign is worth it depends on your product and target audience. If your product is visually appealing, fits Pinterest's creative and DIY-friendly vibe, and your target audience aligns with Pinterest users, it could be a valuable platform for promotion. Utilize Pinterest's visual nature, link to your website, and consider advertising options if they align with your marketing goals.
  • Posted by nanoothant on Member
    Yes, Pinterest could be a very worthwhile platform to promote your furniture produced by Art Natural Wood. Here's why:

    Visual Appeal of Pinterest
    Product-Centric: Pinterest thrives on high-quality images, making it perfect for showcasing the beauty and craftsmanship of your furniture.
    Targeted Inspiration: Users browse Pinterest for inspiration and ideas, putting them in a receptive mindset for furniture purchases.
    Room Design & Styling: You can showcase your furniture in various room settings, allowing users to envision it in their own homes.
  • Posted by andybeohar on Member
    Promoting your furniture products on Pinterest can be worth it, especially if your target audience is active on the platform. Pinterest is known for its visual nature, making it ideal for showcasing furniture and home décor products. Consider creating visually appealing pins, leveraging keywords, and engaging with relevant communities to maximize your campaign's effectiveness on Pinterest.

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