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Quick Start Guide

Welcome to Know-How Exchange! We are a collaborative community wrestling with marketing dilemmas, and we are happy to have you join us. Here's a short list of steps to help you get started. If you want to know more, check out our Frequently Asked Questions list. We look forward to seeing you in the forum!


STEP 1 : Register as a member of MarketingProfs. It's free to join. Click Become a Member (or at the top of the site) to get to the form.

STEP 2 : Go to Know-How Exchange. Enter your account info in the Login box. IMPORTANT: You must be logged in to post questions or responses.

STEP 3 : When you're logged in, you can see the Participate box (top right). Click "My Profile" to change your Community Name and to fill in your bio. Your Community Name is what others will know you by.

STEP 4 : Save your profile, and go to page 2. This is where you can sign up for our biweekly newsletter and request email alerts .

STEP 5 : You automatically earn 5 points a day , starting the day you post your first question or answer. (So what are you waiting for?)


STEP 1 : Make sure you are logged in. Then click "Ask a Question" in the Participate box to post your question. You start out with 250 points . You can offer as many of them as you like as a reward for answering your question. The more you offer, the more attention you will attract. But you may not want to use up all of your points on your first question.

STEP 2 : Most questions receive several responses within the first 24 hours . The best way to keep the answers coming is to be active in the discussion. Be sure to post follow-up notes and to respond to the questions from members.

STEP 3 : When you have received several helpful answers, it's time to close your question. Notice the checkboxes labeled Accept This Response under each answer. Select one or more responses that helped you the most. The members who wrote them will split the award points. Also, be sure to post a note thanking the contributors.


STEP 1 : Verify you are logged in. Next, browse the categories (orange titles across the top) to find an open question you would like to answer. Read the question and the other responses. Then fill in your response in the answer form at the bottom of the page.

STEP 2 : Notice that on the question page, just above the answer form, there's a link you can click to request emails when people post messages in this thread. (You can only see the form and the link when you are logged in.)

STEP 3 : If the Asker chooses your answer as the best one (or one of the best ones), you will receive an email from MarketingProfs announcing how many Expert Points you have won. We hope you have fun with this.


Not sure how something works? Email Support with your question. We'll get back to you as quickly as possible.