
Topic: Advertising/PR

Advertising For A Web Design Company

Posted by Anonymous on 89 Points
Two questions here;

1. Which segments would be included in the B2B target market of a web design company offering customized website designing, web hosting, domain registration and all the other value added services that a typical web designer offers.

2. What would be the best ways to advertise to those segments through the internet? Please be specific with your suggested media. For example, i know that we should send emails to the startup businesses but i want to know where to get the most valid list of those addresses so that this tactic results in a positive ROI.

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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Hello! Here are my honest and truly best answers to your questions..short and sweet.

    1. Every segment.

    2. Business lists- your local chamber of commerce.

    Specific "media"- email newsletters.

    Be aware that not every business has an internet connection...especially new businesses. So you may want to consider a mailer to reach out to the startups.

    Good luck!

  • Posted on Member

    1) well-answered above - everything, segmented. And most importantly, when talking to each segment, show that you're masters of your medium. (which is dynamic, interactive, and personal).

    2) SEO. Becasue there's not much point in designing a website that can't be found, yours should search well. A tough nut to crack - but see 1) above. Get the segmentation right and the SEO gets easier.



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