
Topic: Advertising/PR

Catchy Slogan For Snacks?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
A sister company of where I work wants to start manufacturing healthy snacks for both adults and kids.
My dilemna is that I am writing a marketing plan and i need a good appealing slogan and a catchy name for the snacks that the customer will identify with and buy the products.
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  • Posted by williamarruda on Accepted
    Hello Juliane...

    The naming process is an incredibly important one. Here is the process I use with clients:

    1. Define Criteria: Come up with the criteria for the name. For example, it must be relevant to 30-45 year olds, it must be funny, it must work in X different countries, etc.

    2. Brainstorm: Come up with hundreds of ideas, including people in your brainstorming group that are copy writers, designers, product managers, etc.

    3. Downselect: Choose 10-20 names, eliminating others using the crtieria in step 1.

    4. Perform Analysis/Check Availability: Check for copyright and web domain names for the ones you selected. Downselect based on availability. And verify that the name works in all countries where it will be sold.

    5. Perform Testing: Test the new group (maybe 5 names) with a subset of clients.

    6. Make Selection: Pick the name and create the associated identity.

    I hope that helps.


  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    All of the above adice is novel and should be well heeded.

    I can be rather creative in this arena, however, I need some specifics about the product in order to give you some good ideas.

    Can you email me with the specifics at :

    I would be more than happy to provide you with some creative ideas!

    Thank You!

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