
Topic: Advertising/PR

What Will Make Me Stand Out?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am a Mortgage Loan Officer. Ten executives are coming into the area to purchase their home. What kind of literature can I leave for them in their hotel room to make them want to come to me for their mortgage?
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Dennis,

    One of the most effective marketing tools you can use with executives like this is testimonials from other prior executive customer - their business peers.

    Because they are time-strapped, they don't want to comparison shop for rates, customer service etc. they just want to get the deal done and get on with life, so colleague referals is something they seek out because it means you have already been through the approval filter.

    Also - very important - Don't overlook the fact that if they are married, their spouses are going to be very influential in the entire home-buying process including the mortage and in fact you may have more conversations with spouses than the executives themselves, so make sure your presentation - material, website, phone call whatever you do, includes them at all phases.

    I hope that helps.

  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    You've got some great suggestions expecially from Pepper Blue. When I worked in the mortgage industry I used a one page document that outlined three very valuable things my clients said that they appreciated most when doing business with me.

    1. The type of service that your organization is most known for providing. ( A one page glossy doc of your company would be a nice attachment here).

    2. The type of service that your customers say you provide. (List some testimonials extremely valuable).

    3. The type of service that you provide in the industry for your clients. (Creates confidence in your ability to provide consistent performance). Make sure this document has all of your contact information and the fact that you have handled customers across many segment industries and business backgrounds (List this only if you have. Honesty and being geniune are some very valuble benefits to offer).

    What pepper blue says about the marriage factor is extremely important in any sales decision process. As a rule always make sure you have all decision makers involved so that you can deal with any gray areas or indecisive clients.

    More than anything as soon as you get a chance identify the most important areas of interest each executive is looking for.

    You must really affirm for them that if anything ever goes wrong the one thing that seperates you from other brokers is that you make sure you disclose any problem areas by "Getting the bad news out first" and then you always resolve the problems in quesiton. (I learned this from a RE vet who told me this is the one major thing customers want to be assured of). Also remember if any body can get the job done effectively you can. Make it Happen. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE

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