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Marketing Articles: Sales

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  • Small Biz Search Spend Surges in 4Q09
    Small business advertisers spent on average $2,149 on search advertising in the fourth quarter of 2009, up 111% from $1,018 spent in the same period a year earlier, and up 30% from the $1,658 spent in the third quarter of 2009, according to a study by WebVisible based on its ... more
  • Increasing Sales Effectiveness: The Art and Science of Win/Loss Analysis
    by Rachel Corn, Robin Kahn
    Do you really know why you lost the recent deal or why some customers keep coming back? Customers have the answers, but they rarely provide them in an unfiltered manner to your sales and service teams. more
  • Problem Solved: How Can We Map Social Media to B2B Sales?
    by Claire Coyne
    You've made a couple of forays into social media, and you like what you see! But what tactics are really working out there to draw prospects in—and not turn them off? What are some cool ways to match social with selling? more
  • Taken for a Ride
    We've all fallen for something when we should have known better. Gullibility is bad enough in our personal lives—but when it happens at work, jobs and profits might be on the line. Stephen Greenspan's book, Annals of Gullibility: Why We Get Duped and How to Avoid It, might help you ... more
  • Put Your Website in the Lead
    "Your website can be your most powerful marketing tool, delivering a steady stream of new business leads and filling your sales pipeline," writes Bob DeStefano in a Pro article at MarketingProfs. To make the most of this potential, though, you need to know whether your site is a lead-generation machine ... more
  • Smartphone Owners Ready for Mobile Coupons
    Over one-third (36%) of smartphone owners say they want to receive mobile grocery coupons, but only 9% have received a location-based coupon, discount code, or text message on their phone in the previous six months, according to a survey from Compete. more
  • Why Salespeople Don't Like Your Customer-Reference Program (and What to Do About It)
    by Joshua Horwitz
    With most large corporate purchases, the only way to get new customers to sign on is to let them hear directly from current customers who can speak about their experience with your products. So why do salespeople often resist participating in your company's customer-reference program? For several reasons... more
  • They Say Everybody Has One
    Point of fact: One of the most alluring things about Facebook is its infinite capacity to find us a new distraction—be it Farmville, virtual gift-giving or browsing through an old flame's recent family photo shoot (major creepiness factor, BTW). Second point of fact: Some companies know this about Facebook, and are already ... more
  • You're Fired!
    "I had a customer who made my blood pressure spike as soon as I heard she was on the phone," writes Scott McKain in a Pro article at the MarketingProfs site. "We would jump through hoops to try to keep her happy, and she stressed all of us beyond description." There ... more
  • Get a Speaking Gig: How Event Producers Decide Who Gets Onstage
    by Helena Bouchez
    Getting speaking gigs can be a mysterious and frustrating process, particularly if you don't have much experience. You know the drill: Send pithy email offering yourself up (or copiously fill out online proposal form). Hit Send. Wait. Sound familiar? Here's how to get the green light. more
  • How to Create Your Marketing Dashboard in Five Easy Steps
    by Laura Patterson
    You already know that a dashboard is an essential tool for improving (and proving) marketing effectiveness. These five steps will help you and your marketing team get started on the road to creating a dashboard that works for you. more
  • Start With the Basics
    When we create and evolve lead-generation programs, we tend to focus on strategies, tools and goals. It's just as important, however, to plan for the management of all the data we collect. In a pair of posts at the Database Diva blog, Lori Feldman outlines common lead-management mistakes made by marketing ... more
  • CMOs to Ramp Up Hiring, Budgets; Double Social Media Spend
    Chief marketing officers at US companies are planning significant hiring and budget increases over the next two years as they remain optimistic about prospects for their companies and the economy, according to a survey conducted by Duke University and the American Marketing Association. Overall, CMOs expect marketing budgets to increase, ... more
  • Getting to Know You, You, You, You
    A recent Nielsen study found that global consumption of social media increased 82 percent from Dec. 2008 to Dec. 2009 in the 10 countries surveyed, with users spending an average of 5.5 hours on their sites of choice per month! US and Australian addicts are among the heaviest users of all, spending 6 ... more
  • There's No Free Lunch Here
    As B2B marketers continue to pinch pennies, a post last summer by Adam Blitzer at the B2B Marketing ROI blog deserves a second look. The question Blitzer addresses is this: For B2B prospecting, are free trials better than paid pilot programs? While Blitzer acknowledges that offering free trials to prospects may ... more
  • Five Marketing Mistakes You Can Avoid by Using Cross-Channel Attribution
    by Anto Chittilappilly
    Cross-channel attribution is about assigning credit for marketing results to where credit is due. Most marketers and agencies either attribute all credit to the last touch point or have no way of attributing the credit in a meaningful manner. Here are the five common mistakes they make—and can avoid, by ... more
  • The End of the Long-Copy vs. Short-Copy Debate
    by Barry Densa
    Which converts better and drives more sales: long-form copy or short-form copy? "The more you tell, the more you sell," claim the adherents of long copy. "No one has time to read below the fold," counter short-copy partisans. Of course, both sides are right... more
  • Good, Good, Good, Good Vibrations
    Dudes: Are you ready to give off some fresh new surfer vibes? Search engines are constantly looking for new signals they can use to improve the quality of the results they provide to Internet surfers, says Eric Enge in a recent post at Search Engine Watch. "Search engines continue to ... more
  • Charm 'em Like Rhett and Scarlett
    Let's face it: If your marketing approach consists of sporadically touting your company's greatness via the overpopulated social mediaverse, you're about to get absolutely nowhere—except ignored. Or hated. Blacklisted, even.  Frustrated with today's confusing social-media etiquette? Well, don't be! There are sassy methods for making your outreach simply ooze old-fashioned Southern ... more
  • The 10 Most Common Pitfalls of Brand Licensing
    by Pete Canalichio
    Combining your product with top brands is an incredible way to escalate growth. If you are looking to drive revenue, enter new markets, or reposition your product, brand licensing can lead to dramatic results. As with any new endeavor, however, pitfalls abound. more
  • Five Risks to Take in '10
    In a recent Search Engine Land article, Andrew Goodman predicts that the biggest risk in 2010-2011 for search marketers may lie in working with outdated assumptions about the size and potential of target markets and the paid-search channel. As a remedy, he suggests five investment or expansion "risks" that could ... more
  • Move Over, Night Rider
    We like to emphasize that mobile is probably the most personalized technology available so far in the 21st century. And these days, finding ways to incorporate yourself into users' daily rituals is crucial to maximizing brand exposure on their up-close-and-personal handhelds. That's one reason for taking a look at GM's new ... more
  • Cover the Spectrum With Whitepapers
    "Since white papers are among the most popular pieces of content for [many] buyers," notes Cheryl Goldberg at the High Tech Communicator blog, "you'll want to create a lot of them. But coming up with new ideas for white papers can be a daunting task." To ease your brainstorming efforts, ... more
  • Stay Trendilicious!
    Looking to make your brand trendier? Get a load of Trendistic, a clear and simple way to watch the ebb and flow of buzz on Twitter. A visit to the Trendistic homepage gives you a quick glimpse at what keyword is hottest on Twitter right now. In addition to the most current ... more
  • There's No Quick Fix for That
    In a post at the Build a Sales Machine blog, Aaron Ross predicts that B2B boards and VPs of sales will repeat a "fatal mistake" in 2010. They'll assume this "old bedrock sales principle" still holds true: "If I need to double revenue growth, I need to double my sales ... more

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