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Marketing Articles: Sales

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  • Real-Time Marketing: How Today's Marketers Are Deploying New Tactics
    by Joshua Smith
    Real-time marketing is constantly evolving, and it's more competitive than ever now. A wave of new technologies can help businesses enrich the customer experience—and boost results—in real time. more
  • Small Business Owners Working Harder, but Happy
    More than three-quarters of US microbusiness owners say they are very (42%) or extremely (35%) happy to work for themselves, according to Vistaprint's newly launched Small Business Happiness Index, which tracks the pulse of US microbusinesses. Moreover, 35% say they wouldn't even consider working for someone else. more
  • Knowing Where You Stand After a Tradeshow
    by Rob Murphy
    Do you know where you stand after a tradeshow? Research suggests that very few companies measure the tradeshow results that have a direct impact on funding and strategy. Gain insight and close leads with these tips on collecting, analyzing, and applying tradeshow data. more
  • Is Social Media a Waste of Time and Money for B2B?
    by Glenn Gow
    Though no one can deny the explosive popularity of social media, some hard-core justifications for its B2B use have yet to be laid out. Consider these four points before leaving social media out of your B2B marketing strategy. more
  • Small Business Marketing: Social Surging, Email Still Most Effective
    Though the use of social media among the nation's smallest businesses surged in 2010—a trend likely to continue in 2011—email and brand websites are still the two most effective marketing tools for small businesses, according to a survey from Constant Contact. more
  • Marketers to Boost Spending on Virtual Events
    Fully six in ten marketers (60%) say they plan to increase spending on virtual events and environments in 2011, while 42% plan to decrease spending on physical conferences and tradeshows during the year, according to a survey from Unisfair. more
  • Thirty Ideas to Help You Tackle Blogger's Block
    by Amanda Maksymiw
    A corporate blog can be a key component of any marketing strategy. It can help generate leads, demonstrate a customer-centric culture, and engage your audience. Here are 30 ideas for creating a well-rounded corporate blog. more
  • Five Steps to Optimized New-Business Prospecting Lists
    by Jenny Vance
    Whether your new-business prospecting list is purchased or homegrown, your business can improve sales 100% or more. The key isn't just about how companies effectively work the phone but, rather, how they work the list. more
  • Forrester: B2B Marketing Budgets Up 6.7% in 2011
    After several years of making cuts, B2B marketing leaders are increasing their budgets 6.7% in 2011 over 2010 levels, with tech-services companies driving much of the expansion, according to a report by Forrester Research. more
  • What Dealing With Inconsiderate Prospects Has Taught Me
    by Dan O'Sullivan
    Dealing with prospective clients, including the inconsiderate ones, is just part of the job for many of us. Fortunately, you can make the experience a little less frustrating and time-consuming. Here are a few tips I've picked up. more
  • Leads via LinkedIn Groups Most Likely to Convert
    Nearly one in four visitors to B2B websites referred by LinkedIn are enterprise visitors—those arriving at sites via corporate IP addresses—according to a report by LeadFormix. Among such leads, those referred by LinkedIn "groups" are the most likely to complete a form-fill, or convert. more
  • BAM! Turn Up the Heat on Your Presentations With a Few Culinary Tips
    by Heidi Jackman
    Like a good meal with good friends, great presentations encourage sharing, interaction, and conversation. So sharpen your knives, oil your pans, and think like a top chef preparing a meal that will stimulate the senses, invite conversation, and demand involvement. more
  • Mobile Presentation Views Surge 640% in 2011
    One out of ten presentations is now viewed via mobile device, up 640% over 2010 levels, with Apple devices the top choice for viewing such presentations, according to a report by SlideRocket. more
  • Drip Marketing the Right Way
    "A drip campaign is a series of emails that are sent in a specific order at predefined intervals," writes Liz McInnis at BuyerZone. You might use campaigns to educate, nurture new leads or cross-sell to customers. Whatever your goal, her bits of advice, like the following, are likely to be ... more
  • Sales-Letter Magic: 10 Tips for Writing Letters That Sell
    by Dean Rieck
    Sales letters are powerful selling tools. They are a simple, direct way to generate sales leads and orders. But for many businesspeople, they present a daunting writing challenge. Use these 10 tips to write a winning sales letter. more
  • Worst-Practices: Anatomy of an Awful Ad
    by Barry Densa
    When I saw this ad, I thought it was a joke. A parody, a satire, a lampoon... anything but what it really is—totally legit and serious. If ever there was a marketing message completely unaware of the modern zeitgeist (and offensive), this ad is it! Here's what not to do ... more
  • Best-Practices in Customer-Experience Leadership: Voices From the Top
    by Jack Mitchell, Larry Senn, Teresa Laraba
    How do customer service champs maintain their loyal following? Three key speakers at this week's annual Customer Experience Leadership conference preview their talks and share best-practices on customer-centric cultures. more
  • The Market Research Survey Is Dead; Long Live the Market Research Survey
    by Lev Mazin
    Market research surveys, though expensive and out of reach for many, have been around for ages. But there is now a revolution brewing in MR that makes it something even the smaller players can fully participate in. more
  • Three Ways to Transform Your Leads Into Sales
    Does your business spend time and money generating leads that languish neglected in a pipeline? "The industry wide statistic of 70% of leads never receiving effective sales follow-up is astounding," writes Maria Pergolino at Marketo. "With the mass amount of resources devoted to lead generation, the act of following up ... more
  • Email Lessons From a Bridal Expo
    In a post at the Lunch Pail blog, bride-to-be Casey Barto recounts a visit to a bridal expo. "On the day of the show with pen in hand, I scribbled my email address and name on the contact lists of vendors who interested me most," she says. What happened next ... more
  • Companies Banking on Cloud Technologies to Grow Sales
    With sales growth the biggest challenge for business leaders in 2011, many say they are planning to deploy cloud technologies this year, hoping to shorten sales cycles and acquire new business, according to a survey from Hatsize. more
  • Clicking Me Softly: A Five-Day Crash Course in Conversion (Day 5)
    by Oli Gardner
    So far in our crash course on conversion, we covered the economics of conversion, why homepages aren't the best way to get results, and how to effectively use landing pages and calls to action to boost conversion. Our final installment covers page optimization and testing. more
  • Clicking Me Softly: A Five-Day Crash Course in Conversion (Day 4)
    by Oli Gardner
    Previously in our five-day crash course on conversion, we covered why homepages aren't the best choice for conversion success. Now, learn the five benefits of landing pages—and how to keep ad-to-page message alignment. more
  • Clicking Me Softly: A Five-Day Crash Course in Conversion (Day 3)
    by Oli Gardner
    In part three of our five-day crash course on conversion, you'll learn why your homepage is likely not the right choice for conversion success—and four reasons why you might want to forego using it as your landing page. more
  • Mobile Web Traffic to E-commerce Sites Surges 300%
    Mobile Web traffic to high-traffic e-commerce sites grew more than 300% during the 2010 online holiday shopping season over levels registered during the same period a year earlier, according to a report by Conductor. more

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