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Marketing Articles: Advertising

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  • Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too
    Marketers may think they have to sacrifice site usability to maximize their rankings with the search engines. But the truth is, the most efficient strategy is finding a balance between the two strategies. As Netconcepts' Stephan Spencer said in a recent MarketingProfs article, "SEO, when done right, enhances the usability ... more
  • Come As You Are
    A recent McDonald's ad sets a scene many of us see every day, but throws in a twist. Two cultured-looking men are reading at a table in a highbrow coffee house when the first friend—neck wrapped in a scarf—mentions that McDonald's now sells cappuccino. His goateed compatriot greets the news ... more
  • That Bounce Ain't So Soft
    "Most email marketers do not view soft bounces as being a major cause for concern," says Dela Quist in the UK DMA Email Marketing Council newsletter, "so rarely, if ever, have any specific strategies been in place for dealing with them." According to Quist, this erroneous belief is based on ... more
  • Don't Look Phishy
    You know you're on the up-and-up, and that your email messages contain legitimate offers for actual products or services. Unfortunately, though, you're often sharing inbox space with fraudulent messages that claim to come from popular retailers and banks. Those emails are, in fact, nothing more than phishing scams designed to ... more
  • Dare To Go Viral, Part One
    There's a school of thought that asserts going "viral" is a random occurrence. There is no formula, algorithm or logic that dictates what does and doesn't become a mainstream hit on the Internet. Those people are correct. But there are ways to hedge the bets in your favor—without selling 3/4 ... more
  • That's Too Fwd:
    When he saw a reputable marketer praising the use of Fwd: in the subject line of an original email, Matt Hill decided to explain why he disagrees. "[E]ven selectively this is a bad idea," he says at the Email Karma blog, noting that spammers often use this device to trick ... more
  • Most Super Bowl Ads Aimed at Males; Most Money Spent by Females
    by Gerry Myers
    A few basic thoughts advertisers should consider for the 2010 Super Bowl: • Who watches the Super Bowl? Approximately 100 million viewers, with more than 40 percent of them women. • Who spends the most money as a consumer? Women spend approximately 85 percent; men spend only 15 percent. • Who focuses more ... more
  • Write? Right!
    How many times have you heard the phrase, "Content is king"? When it comes to search marketing, it's not hyperbole. Content is, well, the key to keywords. "This is the reason writing articles is probably the most [popular] Internet marketing tool being used today," writes Uchenna Ani-Okoye in a recent ... more
  • Enough, Already!
    In a post at the ExactTarget blog, Nate Romance recounts a visit with his tech-savvy mother, a woman who makes frequent online purchases through sites like Craigslist and Amazon. While scanning her email, she became annoyed with a particular message. "If they send me one more stupid email this week," ... more
  • Just Call It the YouHouse
    Barack Obama wowed the nation with his social media savvy when he won the bid for President on November 4—but he surprised us again when he didn't stop there. Just weeks after scoring the title of POTUS (President of the United States, for those who didn't take poli sci in ... more
  • Code Blue: A First Aid Kit to Revive a Failing PPC Campaign
    by William Leake
    Perhaps your spending has spiraled out of control and your conversions haven't budged. Or, like many of us, maybe your performance is fine but your budgets have been slashed, forcing you to produce the same results with less spend. Before you scrap everything and start from scratch, pull out this trusty ... more
  • A Tale of Two Emails
    In a post at the Emma blog, Jim Hitch tells the story of two emails he received within 20 minutes of each other. "They're similar at first glance," he says. "Almost identical, really. Both are very image-heavy, both came from brand-name clothing retailers, both include simple calls to action, both ... more
  • Love the MIME
    In a wide-ranging video interview with BNET, strategist RJ Talyor of ExactTarget discusses a range of email marketing issues, and provides insight on the best way to handle messages sent to subscribers, whether they're reading email at their desk or on the go. Says Talyor, "You need to develop an ... more
  • Mobile Marketing Mavens, Oh My!
    Ah, the mobile phone: we know it well as consumers, and as such are in a perfect position to approach it from a direct marketer's POV. Here are a few ground rules for truly covetable mobile marketing: Bait your line. A useful iPhone app could do you right, as could ... more
  • Green Marketing 'Broke Through' in 2008—What's Next?
    by Jacquelyn A. Ottman
    Wall Street had a stormy 2008, but there is a silver lining: Industry leaders are now turning to all things "eco" as a new source of (genuine?) green. Here are the top 5 green marketing stories from a volatile year—and what they may mean for your business in 2009. more
  • Too Much of a Good Thing
    A prospective customer does a search for a product your company carries, and your brand appears in the number one, three, five and seven spots. Terrific, right? Not necessarily. As Shari Thurow, author of the forthcoming book When Search Meets Web Usability, wrote in a recent blog, finding the same content delivered ... more
  • Make the Most of Your Spots
    Like most of us, Christina Kerley (a.k.a. CK) will admit that she uses her digital video recorder to whiz past commercials on recorded programs. "So when I find a commercial that I like enough to watch—enough to rewind and re-watch the spot—it warrants a post," she says. One campaign she ... more
  • Check This Out
    "Do you ever get that nervous feeling when you click to launch your email marketing campaign?" asks Janine Popick in a recent post at the VerticalResponse blog. "You do it, but then you might quickly cancel it because you need to take just one more look at your content." We ... more
  • Bear Market? Change Your Tune!
    Last year, Google and MediaVest reported on a brainwave-tracking study about banner ads. According to the ad giants, banner ads rated a 6.3 in effectiveness—which was said to be a "very encouraging score." But combined with overlays, the effectiveness of banner ads increases to 6.6. This is because users find ... more
  • That's Definitely Worth the Price!
    You can always find someone willing to sell you a solution for boosting your keyword effectiveness. But in a recent blog post, search marketer PotPieGirl offered her favorite free keyword research tools: Your brain. We were all consumers before we were marketers, she reminds us. So ask yourself, "If I ... more
  • It's a Brand New Day!
    If you've made some recent improvements—whether to your product, service or customer experience—now is the time to trumpet those changes!  A new year, with consumers anxious for a new start, is a great time to tell your subscribers what they can expect on their next visit to your site. In a post at the ... more
  • Go gif in a Jiffy!
    "It can be done, I've seen it," says the Email Karma blog of Goodmail's email certification platform, which now enables users to include video in email messages. "However," the blog says, "if you don't have the marketing budget for certification, you can always try … converting video to an animated ... more
  • Don't Just Use It, USE It!
    On the weekend it launched, Apple sold one million iPhone 3Gs—and not just to early adopters and hipsters: stats from ChangeWave suggest iPhone's moving in on the smartphone (read: ENTERPRISE!) market, currently dominated by BlackBerry. Already, iPhone's a fertile ad medium. From MySpace to Stella McCartney to the Associated Press, ... more
  • The End of TV Ads? Not so Fast.
    The advent of DVR technology struck fear in the hearts of advertisers worldwide. Suddenly, viewers were able to fast-forward through TV commercials! A sad truth quickly emerged: when given the option, consumers love to hit that FF button. Now, let's (ahem) fast-forward to today. Are we witnessing the demise of ... more
  • Boost That ROI Right Now!
    "The news regarding investment in marketing is not good, with many firms cutting their marketing budgets left and right," reports Neil Anuskiewicz in an article at MarketingProfs. Before taking such drastic steps, you might want to consider his better option: "Instead of taking an axe to your marketing budget … ... more

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