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Marketing Articles: Advertising

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  • BTW: We Should Meet IRL
    "For too long, too many marketers have underestimated the value of email's impact on offline retail," say Lisa Harmon and Alex Madison in a post at the Email Experience Council blog. If you focus entirely on generating online sales, they argue, you might be missing out on bricks-and-mortar opportunities. They've ... more
  • Exit Laughing
    Like most of us, Elaine Fogel enjoys a good joke. And in a post at the MarketingProfs Daily Fix blog, she points to an irreverent advertisement that puts the subject matter of an ancient tale in a very modern context. The video, titled "Exodus," opens on a bedraggled group of ... more
  • Stream a Little Stream of Me
    Email remains one of the least-expensive and highest-converting online marketing techniques out there, but few would argue it isn't past-due for a trendy facelift. Thankfully for the intrepid marketer, there are lots of programmers working on this problem, like little elves, day and night. And a whole passel of them apparently ... more
  • Recession Marketing I: What to Cut
    Welcome to MarketingProfs' inaugural issue of Marketing in a Downturn. We are glad you signed on to receive these once-a-week guides to navigating rough economic seas—and safely making it through to the upturn. We will chart this course together. But if you wish to opt out, just click on the link below. ... more
  • Here's Looking for You, Kid
    "Effective one-to-one marketing is more than just email," R.J. Talyor states in an article at MarketingProfs. "[Y]our subscribers and customers aren't always staring at their email inboxes. Rather, they're also posting, texting, watching, commenting, and they step away from the computer sometimes, too." Because of this, he recommends the development ... more
  • Pushing One-to-One Marketing Beyond Email
    by R.J. Talyor
    You get it. Email needs to be relevant, timely, and personalized, and it has to arrive in the inbox—not the spam folder. When an email renders, it should load images perfectly, guide the eye through stunning, effective design that drives subscribers to convert—download, purchase, whatever. But effective one-to-one marketing is more ... more
  • To Sell During a Recession, Shop a Mile in Their Shoes
    by Jenny Schade
    Harnessing the power of customer insights throughout your organization produces a powerful, ongoing interactive connection with key constituents that competitors can't duplicate. Beyond the clever words and attention-getting visuals, the connection with the customer truly engages. When the product has been reviewed, when the ad is over, it's the feeling ... more
  • It's OK to Repeat Yourself
    The news is out: consumers are changing their buying—and search—habits. SearchIgnite reports that users are taking longer to make purchase decisions online: the average time between when they click on an ad and convert on a marketer's website increased by 32.4% in Q1 2009 compared with Q1 2008. Ouch. In addition, ... more
  • I'm Too Sexy for My Shirt
    Abercrombie & Fitch has built a youth-oriented brand around racy images of shirtless men and scantily clad women, often photographed in provocative poses. Subscribers to the clothier's email campaigns are more likely to see well-toned bodies than actual product shots. But this attitude-driven approach can create some problems. For instance, ... more
  • You Sure Are Testy These Days
    Just because an email strategy works for one company—even one very like yours—that doesn't mean it will automatically work for you. "This is due to different cultures and expectations," says Debra Ellis in an article at MarketingProfs. "The only way you will know the best strategy for your organization is ... more
  • Gimme Shelter! Quick!
    The iPhone and iPod touch positively swept the Engadget Awards, winning Gadget of the Year, Smartphone of the Year, Handheld of the Year, Portable Media Device of the Year, and, finally, a spot in Editors' Choice. So, what's this mean for you? It means you need to be ... more
  • Beware the Spaminator
    The best email offer in the world won't accomplish much if it never reaches your intended recipient. Beware:  there are strong forces at work these days trying their best to block your messages! In a recent MarketingProfs article, Debra Ellis discusses three distinct deliverability hurdles faced by today's email marketers. Meet the spaminators: ... more
  • Try Analytics the Natural Way
    Let's face it. The Web analytics process can quickly turn complex and frustrating. But a recent post at Marketing Jive suggests it doesn't have to be that way—at least for organic search. "There are a number of simple ways to filter through the numbers each month when you are measuring ... more
  • I'm In With the In-Crowd
    "We all like the comfort of the crowd," says Mark Brownlow in a post at the Email Marketing Reports blog. "The knowledge that others went here before us tells us we're on the right path." Because of this tendency to trust the wisdom of crowds, he argues, you can encourage opt-ins ... more
  • They Gotta Believe
    When writing copy for email messages, landing pages and a host of product descriptions, marketers need to be more than clear and concise; they must also persuade readers to click through and take action. To help you achieve this goal of engaging—and gently goading—readers, Brian Clark of Copyblogger offers tips like these: Say ... more
  • Lead That Search Party!
    According to an iProspect and JupiterResearch study released last year, search users prefer "blended" search results—in which results are potpourried with videos and other media—over standard (slightly boring) text-only search results. Blended results (Google's term is "universal search") work like this: If you've got a restaurant, a search on your restaurant's ... more
  • Hit Me Baby One More Time
    While most of the email you send contains stand-alone content, it's worth considering an ongoing campaign that engages your customers with multiple messages. "A series of emails is a great opportunity to build top-of-mind awareness and recall for your brand," says Keri Palasz in a post at the Listrak email ... more
  • Did My Video Ad Work? How to Use Simple Tools to Measure the Effectiveness of Online Video Ads
    by Diaz Nesamoney
    Do video ads work to turn viewers into buyers and passionate brand advocates? For starters, measurement of the effectiveness of video ads gets bogged down by syndication, viral distribution, viewing via social networks, and many other factors. So how can you find out if your video ad "worked"—an even more important ... more
  • Seek and Ye Shall Find Our Event
    When you plan an event, you pull out all the stops. So, too, should it be with your event promotions. Apogee Search's Brian Combs suggests in a recent MarketingProfs article to add paid-search marketing to your event promo mix. "With almost half of all Internet users now using search engines ... more
  • I Was Merely Acting!
    Set the scene: An attractive blonde Australian sits on the edge of her bed in an all-white bedroom and awkwardly begins a homemade video produced for YouTube. After a few false starts, she says, "Before I go any further, um, I want to make something really clear to everyone, okay? ... more
  • No! No! I Didn't Mean That!
    There’s almost nothing worse than sending out an email offer, only to realize a foolish typo or error evaded your eagle eye. It happens to the best of us. And Kelly Lorenz, writing at the Bronto blog, recommends a plan of action that includes steps like: Stopping the send. If ... more
  • Watch Your Finger on That Trigger
    "Trigger-based email is when you email a message to a customer in response to certain [behavior] or preferences," Valerie Khoo reminds us in a post at the Sydney Morning Herald's Enterprise blog. "The email is literally triggered by something the customer says or does, or is based on other information ... more
  • The New Paper-Or-Plastic
    "OK, so 'digital-or-print' is the new 'paper-or-plastic,'" says Doug Stern in an article at MarketingProfs. "[So, when is it] more appropriate to stick a stamp on [a marketing message] … than hit the Send button?" Before you make your decision, he recommends asking questions like these: What does this customer ... more
  • 10 High-Impact, Low-Budget Ideas for Marketing in a Down Economy (Part 2)
    by Jonathan Kranz
    Earlier this month, the author offered five ideas for getting ahead in an economy that's got us down. As promised, here are five more inexpensive (yet powerful!) ideas that can help you and your business come out on top. more
  • Five Questions to Ask Before You Hit Send
    by Doug Stern
    Some businesses opting for digital instead of print do it because they've gone green. Others want to harness the internet's speed, reach, and other capabilities. The rest like the convenience of online or have some other strategic purpose that points them that way. But it might pay to slow down and ... more

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