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  • Tag, You're It!
    When the spiders come crawling through your Web pages, will they find what they need to index the pages properly? They will if you're using meta commands, or tags, correctly. Meta commands are used on individual Web pages to "modify how search engine spiders behave," says Medium Blue's Scott Buresh ... more
  • The Cinema of Schadenfreude
    Few of us have kind words for the Fortune 500 CEOs who lived it up while the value of their companies, and our 401(k)s, imploded. And with a trio of videos dripping with schadenfreude, JetBlue proposes to help disgraced executives adjust to life without a private jet. Each episode at ... more
  • Glad You Could Join Us!
    Smith-Harmon just released its Retail Welcome Email Benchmark Study, which examines best practices at 112 of the Internet's largest retailers. And in a recent post at the Email Karma blog, Matt Vernhout highlights some of the study's key takeaways: Text-only Welcome messages are becoming a thing of ... more
  • You Too Can Tweet, Part I
    Given the recent Facebook redesign, you're probably hearing a lot of yammer about Twitter. If by now you're not familiar with how Twitter can benefit your brand, walk with us as we cut through the noise and break it all down. In a recent article at the MarketingProfs site, Jim ... more
  • The Easy Way to Slice and Dice
    Even a small company can benefit from email messages tailored to a recipient's specific wants and needs. "Using segmentation," says Michael Clark in an article at MarketingProfs, "customers only get notified of new products, specials, and offers based on past buying patterns, knowledge of the customer and what they've clicked ... more
  • Up, Up, and Away!
    We may be in a recession, but that isn't stopping marketers from spending on search. According to the new 2008 annual survey and forecast from the Search Engine Marketing Professionals Organization (SEMPO), spending on search engine marketing in North America is expected to hit $26 billion by 2013, up from $13.5 ... more
  • Great. More Spam Jargon.
    When you read about spam in email marketing blog posts and articles, you probably notice writers rarely pause to define industry-specific lingo. While you undoubtedly know what block, bounce and tag mean, less common words and phrases might leave you scratching your head. Fortunately, Spamhaus fills in the blanks with ... more
  • Textbook Text Marketing
    As marketers continue to see good ROI from finely tuned mobile strategies, the humble text message has acquired newfound cachet. And in a recent video posted at the CenterNetworks blog, Allen Stern interviews Tatango CEO Derek Johnson, whose one-to-many SMS service enables instant mobile communication with an entire list of ... more
  • No Shrinking Violets Allowed
    Shrinking economy? Time to shrink that ad budget. That's the knee-jerk reaction being witnessed at quite a few B2B companies these days. And it may be the exact wrong thing to be doing. In a recent blog post, Justin Hitt makes a compelling case for not only maintaining your ad ... more
  • This Space For Rent
    Your e-newsletter is an excellent tool for maintaining customer relationships. But it can also generate income if you offer cool ad space in it.  In a recent article at MarketingProfs, Drew Adams explains how to make it more appealing to select advertisers: Make it relevant. Adams offers an example: "For a newsletter ... more
  • Four Key Components of E-Newsletter Advertising
    by Drew Adams
    How do companies reap solid advertising ROI from email newsletters? They incorporate four key marketing tactics into their campaigns: relevancy, list quality, design, and tactical landing pages. And then they apply them, like this.... more
  • Words, Words, and More Words
    A new trend uncovered by Hitwise reveals that search queries on all major search engines are starting to get longer and longer. In a recent study, the measurement firm found that searchers are typing four or more words at an increasing rate to find what they're looking for. Searches using ... more
  • Behold the Golden Channel
    If you're new to digital marketing, you're not alone—and it's never too late to start making an online impact. This especially holds true with email—which, for many marketers, has proved to be the Golden Channel. Case in point: Seiko. "Two years ago," writes Dianna Dilworth in an article at DM ... more
  • When the Crowd Attacks
    On Friday 2/27, Skittles surrendered itself to the Zeitgeist. Visits to led users directly to Wikipedia (later changed to a Twitter search for "skittles," then to the official Facebook fan page), and attempts to explore the site navigation—little more than a pop-up—guided users elsewhere still: flickr, YouTube, Summize. The ... more
  • Tell Me More, Tell Me More
    Under normal circumstances, Dylan Boyd believes email copy should be clear and concise. He explains his straightforward rationale in a post at the Email Wars blog: "[I]f I get 500-700 emails a day in my inbox, then I need to know WHO, WHAT, WHY and What's in it for me. ... more
  • How You Lose Sales With Bad Search Marketing Decisions Based on 'Best-Practice' Web Analytics
    by Todd Miechiels
    One of the most dangerous trends emerging is that B2B marketers, and their extended search-marketing resources, are regularly making bad decisions based on "solid analytics data." All too often, marketers are deciding to spend either more or less money based solely on the conversion rate of how a certain search phrase, ... more
  • Your Marketing Stimulus Package: Invest Now in Building Brand
    by Kevin Randall
    Every day we are bombarded with bad news about the economy: dismal corporate earnings, budget cuts, advertising gone dark, clients and agencies and people coming and going, and a sense of turbulence, malaise, and timidity. What can marketing do? Today's brand leaders should follow these 7 Ps of branding as ... more
  • Now, That's a Tiny Window!
    In search, you have a very short window of opportunity for engaging your prospect. The key to ensure you get seen through that tiny window: give searchers exactly what they're looking for. One way of doing this, says Medium Blue's CEO Scott Buresh in a MarketingProfs article, is to use ... more
  • Sure, I'll Come Fly With You!
    It's refreshing when a company seems to get it right, and DJ Waldow uses a post at the Bronto blog to explain why email messages from US Airways impress him on a regular basis. Why, it's like they're singing "Come Fly With Me!" Here's what sets them apart, according to ... more
  • You're Driving Me Crazy!
    Dylan Boyd, who blogs at The Email Wars, tells the story of an email with the subject line: "Limited time only: save up to 25%! Plus get free shipping." Within, he discovered more action verbs than you could shake a stick at. At the top of the email there's a ... more
  • It Really Is All in the Mind
    Lingerie label Agent Provocateur is characterized by its risqué unmentionables and the naughty ladies that grace its adverts. So when it announced plans to explore social media earlier this year, we thought we knew what to expect: simpering femmes fatales that appeal more to men than women. We scoped out ... more
  • Long Live the King
    As a busy blogger, Mark Brownlow of Email Marketing Reports often receives questions from his readers. And in a recent post at his blog, he lists a number of typical queries, to give us a sense of what marketers are pondering these days.   ... more
  • Have You Considered Analysis?
    There are some great free resources to help with keyword research. Overture's Search Term Suggestion Tool, for example, can provide useful insight. But as Keyword Research Analysis expert Valerie DiCarlo points out in a recent online article, these types of tools should just be a starting point. "The free tools ... more
  • Monday, Wednesday, Happy Days
    Is it better to send an email on Monday or Wednesday? What about Tuesday or Friday? If you wonder about each day's pros and cons, a post at the 60 Second Marketer has some practical advice. Here's a sample of their wisdom: Sending a message on Monday has the advantage ... more
  • Dare to Go Viral, Part Two
    Last week, we offered tips to help you determine your authentic corporate voice. Now that you've collected some cool insights, here's our second set of tips, to help you in your final phase of daring to go viral. Think hard on the data you've collected, and imagine scenarios where you can ... more

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