
Topic: Advertising/PR

Are Ad Trucks Ideal For A Local Coffee Product?

Posted by sepassets on 50 Points

I am a part of a start up coffee shop/coffee product business in Dallas. I'm trying to look for alternative advertising for our product. I'm torn between pursuing online ads or these ad trucks. It's a huge week for us here in Dallas since the NBA finals is a coming, also taking advantage of the pride month. I want to take advantage of these events by advertising our products. Any suggestions or opinions on this?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    What's the likelihood that someone will: see your ad, remember it, contact you, and buy your product/service? If your product is more of an impulse buy, then the chance that your ad will resonate with them (assuming you've tested your advertising copy already) is even smaller.

    Rather than an ad truck, why not rent a mobile coffee truck and create an immediate sales opportunity?

    Regarding Pride - if your business has an authentic connection to the community, then showcase how you are helping them (rather than say "we care").

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