
Topic: Advertising/PR

A Proposal For Endorsement

Posted by dejioyewoga on 125 Points
i need to write a proposal to a company for endorsement of a celebrity. Kindly help with a sampled format or ways to go about it.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Are you representing the celebrity (who will provide the endorsement) or the company (reaching out to a celebrity for an endorsement)?

    Is this proposal a formal document (i.e., a contract) or something "loose" (would you be interested in doing this deal if the terms were acceptable)?

    Does the company and/or celebrity have a history of endorsement deals that have a proven ROI?
  • Posted on Moderator
    We can probably help you once we have the answers to Jay's questions above.

    We have been involved in a number of celebrity endorsements -- from both sides, endorser and company. It's important to understand the issues from both perspectives. It's not just a mechanical agreement driven solely by money. You also need to consider the company's target audience and how they might respond to the endorser, etc. Why the relationship (between endorser and company) will benefit the endorser. Why THIS endorser is uniquely well-suited to endorse THIS company. Etc.
  • Posted by dejioyewoga on Author
    i am writing a proposal in favor of the celebrity to be an endorser to a company. It is not a contract but a loose document showing intent of the celebrity to be an endorser. No formal contract given yet.
    The celebrity has an history of endorsement deals.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    If they already have a history, then why not reuse their existing proposal letters?

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