
Topic: Advertising/PR

Idea's To Get More Members In Ladies Only Gym

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have recently taken over a ladies only gym and have done some marketing but need a host of new ideas to get people through the door. The gym is circuit based and we do lots of classes from Yoga to Legs bums and tums all for £30 which is very cost effective. We have a great vibe within the gym, its a real friendly atmostphere but we need at least another 75/100 members to make all the hard work we have put in to be worthwhile. I'd really like to hit the student market as there is a big Uni just up the road.
All ideas would be very gratefully received!

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  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    Happy clients who talk to their friends and post social media posts about how great your gym is will do more to drive traffic to your gym than any marketing plan.

    That said, share stories about your talented and personal trainers. Is there a community feel about the facility? Share it! Does it help students blow off steam? Share the value and stories with prospective clients.

    Show pictures and brief videos of equipment and share the atmosphere in customer testimonials while you're doing video tours to attract people to your great set-up. Of course, go hard with your message at the first of each year and going into "swimsuit season" to attract those who want to get in shape NOW.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Have you contacted local sororities? Mothers' clubs? Lesbian bars?
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi there, does your gym have a 12 month contract for each member? If not then is is a unique selling point. Many people are put off by gyms because of the monthly cost and that you are tied into a 12 month contract.
  • Posted by marketbase on Accepted
    The connection between exercise and brain power is being touted more and more these days. Post flyers around campus (you know, the ones with the multiple, tear-offs on the bottom offering discount or limited amount of try-out time) which shows the community atmosphere offered at your gym. For publicity, consider hosting a donation collection of used personal exercise equipment and items (e.g. DVDs); clean, like new exercise clothing, running shoes; non-perishable healthy foods, etc. to be given to a local charity, do a press release, take photos and submit to local media. College kids love to participate in such helpful collaborations.

    Best of luck to you!
  • Posted by pghpromo on Accepted
    David B's got a good point. (The not-having-to-wear-makeup benefit is genius!) In addition to discovering what made your current clientele skip your competitors, you should also learn what additional features they would like to see--plus what BENEFITS these additional features would offer. Such feedback may steer you into valuable areas you would never think of on your own. I know an all-ladies gym in my town that built its brand around SECURITY. They contracted with a 24-hour security company monitored via Internet with all kinds of cameras and every member had an access card. The place was fitted with motion-sensitive lights and was all high-tech. I don't remember all the details, but they did this because they knew that ladies & students might want to work out at odd hours but would only do so if they FELT SAFE. Something to think about.
  • Posted on Author
    Hi all
    many thanks for all your responses!!! There are some great thoughts there which I have taken on board but what I'm really looking for is how to actually hit the public and make them aware we are here in the most cost effective way possible. I've had people say to me, 'do a leaflet drop' but I live in a town of 250,000 so its not quite as simple as that, where do you hit first, its very time consuming and probably expensive in paying people to do the drops?
    Im really looking for clever marketing ideas such as one I was given yesterday which is to put business card size cards on peoples windscreens in town car parks.
    Would driving a car with a trailer with a big A board on the back up and down our main shopping street 11am-4pm on a Sat afternoon work do you think?
    Hope I've made more sense in what I'm after....

    thanks again :)
  • Posted on Author
  • Posted on Accepted
    A small gift is good for new members: T-shirt ex. or hat with your logo.
    Another is that nembers will get a club card for discount of 5% (if you can do more or less) for next class.
    Or discount 5% for the member can invite a new member to take part in the class. Note: He/she can get free fee if he or she invites 20 members. I hope you will get a lot of students with this method. I think 5% is the minium discount you should offer.

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