
Topic: Advertising/PR

Be A Good Strat Planner

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Can someone please give me some tips on how to be a good strategic planner (in marketing/advertising).

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  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi Phil,

    ZShan has it right: if your company has (and it should) an overall business plan for a 1-3 year time frame, you should be able to develop a strategic marketing plan that covers those objectives over that time span.

    Identifying your target (or future growth markets), the key buying influences in that (those) markets, their "pains" (needs), the products/services your company has that addresses those pains, and the USP (uniques selling proposition) that places your company in its own niche to solve the buyers problem.

    Your company has to OWN its niche--you cannot share the space with someone else. SAP software has a unique position: "The best run companies run SAP". You need to determine what your company/products/service does that is unique and focus on that as your strategic marketing position and play that message out to your target across all your tactical efforts.


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