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by Cliff Atkinson
As a presenter, shift away from expressing your individual style of communicating. Instead, adapt your presentation to the audience’s style of decision-making.
by John Doerr
Many service businesses find themselves trapped in a vicious, no-growth cycle. The firm is either heavily marketing because they don’t have enough leads and new business, or they are heavily billing and delivering—and thus have no time for marketing.
by Laurel Delaney
Tough times call for bold decisions. You slash prices to get a grip on global sales, yes? Actually...no.
by Jim Sterne
Most companies seem to blithely ignore one set of metrics -- their customers’ feelings.
by Michael Fischler
he difference between a good presentation and a lousy one has nothing to do with slides.
by Jeff Kostermans
efore those elusive sales prospects come beating down your door, be sure you have a plan in place to accelerate the sales cycle. Here are five ways to optimize the capture, management and conversion of those new leads.
by Jeff Kostermans
hat’s a marketer to do when budgets and staff are stretched extremely thin, qualified prospects have become even more elusive, and resource-constrained sales teams simply need a better mousetrap to accelerate the sales cycle?
by John Doerr
How does a CEO fix a company’s technology problems? He yells louder at the IT manager. Is the same true in services marketing?
by Cliff Atkinson
PowerPoint can become a powerful force to addict your audience to the mind-expanding content of your presentation. Follow this three-step prescription.
by Sean D'Souza
Do you know why your customer won’t buy? You’ve given her the best price, possibly even the best options. What gives?
by Hank Stroll, Tamara Halbritter
This final article in the series shows how e-newsletters can be used as a tool by a salesperson to close business.
by Gwyn Finnell
Most companies spend their marketing budgets generating market awareness, but spend precious little equipping their sales force with the knowledge to sell.
by Hank Stroll, Tamara Halbritter
The mystery to solve is how to identify which customers are prospective buyers, so your sales team can spend their time wisely.
by Jeremy Bachmann
Do you have a lot of customers, but you haven't done a good job of assembling an email list? Here's five techniques for growing your email list as a marketing tool.
by Guy Smith
elling is a more complicated process than many companies understand, requiring communication with many different "species" of buyers. The good news is that you *can* master communication with every genotype that your company encounters. The bad news is that like insect species, there are a lot of different genotypes and ...
by Robin Houghton
Marketing isn't a One-Size-Fits-All proposition. Only when you start at the beginning ("What's the objective? What's the question we're trying to answer?") can you expect to solve the problem and achieve results.
by Paul DiModica
In today's economy, many large technology and professional services firms are failing. Even worse, you hear about two unproductive firms merging together to combine assets into one large unproductive IT firm. What can you do about it?
by Paul DiModica
Many of us still have annual sales projections that are based on backroom conversations with unsubstantiated forecast logic or rolled forward from last year's commitment to investors, compensation plans that haven't changed in years and sales support departments who are not assigned a sales quota. Does this sound uncomfotably familiar?
by Cliff Atkinson
Like a movie, every sales presentation you give is a performance. You are the talent, your PowerPoint is your media, and your potential client is the audience. When you give your business performance, what do you do to make your audience feel like they are the star?
by David Frey
Is a membership program a good fit for your company? Here's a “yes” or “no” membership qualification to see if a program is right for you.
by Ford Kanzler
Although the business climate for many tech companies has changed with the current downturn, Comdex exhibitors persist in spending like drunken sailors. Is exhibting at Comdex -- or any huge tradeshow -- the best use of your dollars?
by Eran Livneh
You’ve been doing the tradeshows. You’ve been spending on a PR agency. You’ve been running ads – both print and now online. You’ve been doing direct mail and now even direct email. But somehow you feel that you could do better. Well...you bet you could.
by Lee Marc Stein
Here's the bare-bones of scores of business-to-business lead generation programs: The 21 most significant truths learned over 35 years of sales.
by Joe Combs, Myla Wagner
Studies show that tradeshow sales beat comparative spending on advertising, direct mail, and other marketing efforts. So how do you get the most bang for your tradeshow buck?
by Ron Maggiore
It is no secret that selling is hard...no matter the platform. Consider that when a website is the first contact a potential customer has with a business, the challenges to selling online might be new, but the rules are quite old.