
Topic: E-Marketing

Why Viral Marketing?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I would like to know does viral marketing work for all categories or does it work better for some categories than others; i'm grappling with this dilemna while trying to work with a client of an FMCG who insists viral is the way to go for her product; a brand of soap.
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  • Posted on Author
    thank you. my brand of soap looks at itself as a soap that will add more intimate moments to the lives of young couples. the brand believes people don't have time for intimacy and it's small moments that need to be looked at and enhanced with the right soap! it's a soap with aloe and magic oils that can transform your wife into something delicious!. it sounds complicated but it's good to know that viral works in any situation where the product can hand a social benefit. in this case, more intimate moments for times with no time: that's my brand promise...hmm...if i may ask, what is the gingivitis approach? or should i just go find out myself :-) thanks again for the help. i'd like to keep it going for a little more...
  • Posted on Author
    thank you, sir. i have read a book or two by seth godin and malcolm gladwell. i c ur point regarding how useful these books will be. i shal endevour to lay my hands on them. warm regards and many thanks for your help, avinash

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