
Topic: E-Marketing

Hiring An Experienced Cms Development Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm looking to build a website from the ground up, starting from scratch. It is a video website (similar to, or which will hold a multitude of videos in a database. I am not looking for a design company per se. I am simply looking for a local (Vancouver) CMS development company that will help me build an infrastructure that will allow me handle modifications to the layout of my website. The design will come later as I think the CMS will be the biggest challenge.

Does anyone out there know a reputable and well-rounded company that can help me develop the CMS of my website in Vancouver, Canada?

It's a very general question, but I thought I should start by asking here.

Any help will be much appreciated!

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Why do you want to deal with a local company?
    Do you know which type of CMS tool you're looking to use (Wordpress? Drupal? Something else?)
    Why not start with a template that's close to what you're looking for, and simply hire someone to make small changes to the CMS, rather than build something from scratch?
  • Posted by peg on Accepted
    We recently looked for web development in Vancouver and found a lot to like at:
    -- Full Motion Group (dot) com
    -- Pandora Solutions (dot) ca

    If you have affordability considerations and are willing to expand your geographical territory a bit, take a serious look at a Nanaimo firm that does good work and can also work with you on your budget, within reason:
    -- V3 Media Works: V3 (dot) ca

    Hope one of these providers can get you across the finish line. Good luck to you!

  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    Why would you re-invent the wheel? Paying a company to develop a content management system is going to be expensive. It would be much cheaper to use an open source content management system like Joomla. Joomla has lots and lots of components that can bring the functionality you desire.

    There are skilled Joomla consultants out there who can put together the web site, then train you how to use the system to keep your project going forward. Cough, cough, you might even have just such a consultant replying to this Marketing Profs question <wink, WINK> This does sound like a job I'd be interested in.

    Getting back to Joomla, it is a superior product for the functionality you seek, much better that Drupal or Word Press. Perhaps not as simple on the administrative backend side, but once you learn how the Joomla components work, you'll see how the extended functionality beats out the others.

    Qlso, why do you need a local company? A consultant from Calgary, Regina, even Toronto can do the job via telephone or remote access just as easy as coming into your office.

    Darcy Moen
    Customer Loyalty Network
  • Posted on Accepted
    Our company is very active in the Drupal (CMS) community and we have a database of good developers (I believe we know of some in Vancouver). Tim Sharp is the person you want to talk to--he can find you the right developer based on your technical requirements and approximate budget. We do not charge for this or receive any kick-backs. Our goal is to make sure that business owners have the best Drupal experience possible. You can visit our website at to contact Tim. Good luck!

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