
Topic: E-Marketing

Upgrade From Mail Order To Ecommerce,fashion/acess

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
we have a history of mail order clients and I wish to use
ecom to expand my data base, make it more responsive,
and improve my exposure, esp targeted markets & col.
attachments, give aways. Please any help in dev. a strategy, in step form / also list procurement / devising a
survey of existing customers ????
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    What can I say? Great advice above!

    Creating a database marketing system can increase your conversions tenfold. The trick is you have one good shot at taking a good stab at it in order to make it attractive and useful to your customers. Hence the need for outsourcing the development to a professional team.

    I would like to extend an invitation to contact me to discuss the implementation of our professional services. Our E-marketing branch is second to none and offers over-the-top service within a fee structure designed for SMEs with limited budgets. Just click on my name to get our contact details. We would be more than happy to add you to our ever growing family of E-commerce clientele!

    Good Luck and hope to hear from you soon!

    --Jett Enterprises

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