Search Engine Optimizing Your Website, Soup to Nuts

- Presenters:
- Stephan Spencer, Mark Kaufman
- Broadcast:
- Thu., Jan 15, 2009, 12pm ET (9am PT)
- Length:
- 90 minutes
- Rating:
Wouldn't it be great if you could enlighten your designers, copywriters, programmers and marketers on being more effective at doing their jobs in a search engine optimal way? Now you can.
Whether you are a seasoned marketer new to SEO, or a savvy search marketer wanting to ensure you aren't overlooking anything, this session is for you.
Stephan and Mark will run through all the different requirements for a website that will ensure SEO success—from crafting content and code for search engines to essential tools and methodologies.
Whether you have a dynamic site or a static one, lots of content or just a little, Web 2.0 technologies or Web 1.0 brochureware, a big brand or an unknown startup, you'll need this SEO knowledge.
Stephan Spencer is the founder and president of Netconcepts, a web agency that specializes in search engine optimized e-commerce. Clients include Home Shopping Network, AOL, Verizon, Discovery Channel, and REI, to name a few. Stephan is a frequent speaker at Internet conferences around the globe (including Berlin, London, Toronto, Santiago, Auckland, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and places in between) for organizations such as the DMA, the AMA,, JupiterMedia/IncisiveMedia (Search Engine Strategies), Internet World, IQPC and IIR. Stephan is a Senior Contributor to, a columnist for Practical Ecommerce, and he's been a contributor to DM News, Multichannel Merchant, Catalog Age, Catalog Success, Unlimited, NZ Marketing, Building Online Business, and others. He is co-author of the analyst report "The State of Search Engine Marketing 1.0—New Strategies for Successful Cataloging" published by Catalog Age.
Mark Kaufman has been with CNET, now part CBS Interactive, since the launch of in 1995. He has held many positions leading product development for a number of CNET web properties. In his current role of Associate Vice President, CNET Findability, Mark leads a team charged with developing and enhancing content discovery on sites like, CNET Download, and CNET News. Through search engine optimization, site search, content tagging, and content relationship mapping, the CNET Findability team helps users find the content and information they're looking for on CNET sites.
Who Should Attend?
B2B and B2C marketing executives, ecommerce executives, and IT directors and managers with responsibilities that cover the operation and optimization of their organization's websites.
What Will You Learn?
- Best practices for "on-page" SEO
- Technical optimization—from URLs to HTML
- Making your content "sing" to the search engines
- Site architecture issues and implications
- A bevy of tools—many of them free
- Techniques for making Web 2.0 and "rich media" content search engine friendly
- Ways to circumvent the SEO roadblocks common in Content Management Systems
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