Seminar Testimonials

"An interesting perspective on considering needs of your audience to help them learn and understand rather than just focusing on what you want to say."
Substance, Structure, and Style: How to Build Presentations That Make People Say YES »"The recommendations were all specific and immediately actionable. Andrea's humor made the tone accessible and approachable."
Facebook Advertising Tactics for the B2B Marketer »"A superlatively stellar, "connect-the-dots" styled quantitative and qualitative breakdown of how to produce converting content for B2B lead generation."
Content Strategy for B2B Lead Generation »"This was the best, most content packed, and practical action-item loaded webinar to date! Love MarketingProfs--this was the best hour of my week!"
Content Strategy for B2B Lead Generation »"From start to finish, Andy shows you exactly how to bring contacts through the lead funnel using a strong content strategy."
Content Strategy for B2B Lead Generation »"Great, quick easy to understand seminar that gives you tips that you can literally use right away. Awesome science/studies paired with tactics and tips makes it very compelling."
Nine Insanely Effective Email Tactics You Can Use Today »"If you're interested in learning the value of predictive analytics, or understanding the steps you need to take to ensure they'll be valuable to your business, this is an hour well spent."
Predictive Analytics for Social Media Marketers »"This is a great overview on getting the most mileage out of LinkedIn content, including types of content and ways to share and promote."
How to Succeed at LinkedIn Content Marketing: Three Must-Have Strategies »"Great insight as to why email marketing is not dead, it just needs to be updated to relationship-based content vs. mass emails with no personalization."
Email Marketing Master Course: How to Use Email to Build Customer Relationships »"Good information, very focused with specific examples. The speaker was articulate and obviously knowledgeable about her subject."
From Awareness to Advocate: How to Build an Email Nurturing Campaign That Converts and Keeps Them Coming Back »"Attend this for a broad perspective on critical nurturing concepts. You'll get good recommendations for how to build the baseline intelligence and action plan you need as the foundation for effective nurturing campaigns."
From Awareness to Advocate: How to Build an Email Nurturing Campaign That Converts and Keeps Them Coming Back »"If you want some compelling reasons for adding video and a guideline for exactly what types of video to use, you should watch this."
How to Add Live Streaming Video to Your Marketing Mix »"Great seminar to help you develop a workable strategy to define and create meaningful content for your target audiences."
High-Performance Content Marketing: Create More Compelling Content Using a Custom Content Architecture »"Terrific overview for a beginner in podcasting. I appreciated the actual functionality demos of some of the software mentioned."
The Meat and Potatoes of Podcasting: How to Create a Successful Podcast »"This is the seminar you need to watch if you want to start a business podcast but don't know how. It covers everything!"
The Meat and Potatoes of Podcasting: How to Create a Successful Podcast »"If you're trying to figure out B2B podcasts, here's a great step-by-step that won't overwhelm you. Kerry's a GREAT teacher!"
The Meat and Potatoes of Podcasting: How to Create a Successful Podcast »"This seminar gives excellent insight into the importance of analytics in with real examples. It also provides actionable takeaways."
Marketing Measurement & Analytics: How to Create a Strategy That Ensures Success »"Gordon was such a great speaker, and I valued all the knowledge he shared today. Highly relevant, very strategic, and actionable insights!"
Marketing Measurement & Analytics: How to Create a Strategy That Ensures Success »"This is a true 'how to!' that walks you through step-by-step to install functions that provide better and more actionable insights."
Advanced Google Analytics: Tricks for Goals, Events, and Tracking Codes »"Andy took information that previously seemed like Greek and translated it into something I could understand and made me excited to start implementing."
Advanced Google Analytics: Tricks for Goals, Events, and Tracking Codes »"Check out this informative webinar on the importance of content marketing and how that fits with the data and the digital customer journey."
The Content Formula: How to Create and Measure Content That Converts »"Excellent insights into email marketing trends organized within the accessible framework of singer Adele's strategies and activities -- very clever and memorable."
Hello, It's Me... The Adele Guide to Doing Email »"If you are looking to hear the latest industry trends, insights, and cool things you can incorporate into your email campaigns for better engagement, I highly recommend you check out Michael Barber's seminar!"
Hello, It's Me... The Adele Guide to Doing Email »"If you are interested in building a clearly defined brand that will enable you to achieve your specific business goals, attend Mark Schaefer's seminar."
Building and Unleashing Your Personal Brand in the Digital Age »"Mark shows real-world examples of why being "Known" is of value to you and how five individuals built a path to being "Known"."
Building and Unleashing Your Personal Brand in the Digital Age »