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Marketing Articles: Web Sites

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  • Messaging Through Earbuds, Pt. II
    Last time, we explained how podcasts present a great opportunity to bring brand awareness to on-the-go users. But how can the average marketer produce a winner in the podcast-sphere? Here are a few tips to help you get it right: Stick to a schedule. A good podcast creates the impression that ... more
  • Messaging Through Earbuds, Pt. I
    If you don't think of podcasting as a mobile medium, think again! Any users with MP3 players (including smartphones) can load podcasts onto their devices and listen to them anywhere—while sitting on the subway, jogging, walking the dog, you name it. Podcasts are inexpensive to produce, and once you've loaded one onto your server, you can ... more
  • I Just Want to Help You
    You're in the business of communicating, and in the age of Internet-and-mobile, your platforms for doing so have expanded almost exponentially. But here's a down side: From fielding phone calls to checking email to ensuring your personal/company blog and Twitter accounts are well-populated, how do you manage it all? Lucky for you, slews of ... more
  • Get Out On That Dance Floor!
    "It seems to me that this is the time when marketers should be pushing the envelope, yet it seems like most aren't," says DJ Francis in a post at the iMedia Connection blog. Instead, he says, they are buying into several recession-marketing myths that could do them more harm than ... more
  • Friends Help Friends Boost Rankings
    "I get by with a little help from my friends." The words of that old Beatles song could well be applied to today's search marketers. After all, there's nothing like a good link-back among friends to boost search rankings. And in a recent guest post at the MarketingProfs Daily Fix blog, ... more
  • BTW: We Should Meet IRL
    "For too long, too many marketers have underestimated the value of email's impact on offline retail," say Lisa Harmon and Alex Madison in a post at the Email Experience Council blog. If you focus entirely on generating online sales, they argue, you might be missing out on bricks-and-mortar opportunities. They've ... more
  • Stream a Little Stream of Me
    Email remains one of the least-expensive and highest-converting online marketing techniques out there, but few would argue it isn't past-due for a trendy facelift. Thankfully for the intrepid marketer, there are lots of programmers working on this problem, like little elves, day and night. And a whole passel of them apparently ... more
  • Gimme Shelter! Quick!
    The iPhone and iPod touch positively swept the Engadget Awards, winning Gadget of the Year, Smartphone of the Year, Handheld of the Year, Portable Media Device of the Year, and, finally, a spot in Editors' Choice. So, what's this mean for you? It means you need to be ... more
  • Textbook Text Marketing
    As marketers continue to see good ROI from finely tuned mobile strategies, the humble text message has acquired newfound cachet. And in a recent video posted at the CenterNetworks blog, Allen Stern interviews Tatango CEO Derek Johnson, whose one-to-many SMS service enables instant mobile communication with an entire list of ... more
  • I See You. I Want You.
    Just when you've mastered the whole key word concept, along comes—key pictures? Online retailer has released a free downloadable mobile application for the iPhone and iPod touch that enables shoppers to search for products to purchase online by simply snapping photos of them. If you like your co-worker's shoes, ... more
  • Yammer to Keep It Together
    Imagine if you could take Twitter and make it exclusive to your company. Surprise!—you've created Yammer. With a three-month free trial, and provided everybody has a legit company email, enterprises can register on Yammer to create their own insular microblogging universe. Why does Yammer matter? Because as times change, so ... more
  • OMG, that looks good!
    If the popularity of the 3G iPhone is any indication—Apple sold over one million units during its first weekend on the market—the smartphone is here to stay. According to Loren McDonald, this presents something of a quandary for email marketers. While everyone likes the idea of customers having access to ... more
  • Design for (Mobile) Living
    "[Your subscribers] are reading e-mail on mobile devices more frequently than ever," says Winston Bowden in an article at MarketingProfs. "[And] there are some specific issues to consider." At a minimum, he suggests you keep PDAs in mind as you design: Optimize image ... more
  • A Sample Social Media Toolkit
    by Chris Brogan
    There are countless ways to get into the game with Social Media. Check out these few sample Social Media tools and see how they can be used effectively and efficiently. more
  • by John Wall, Christopher S. Penn
    What is marketing automation? What are the four methods of measuring Web site traffic? Find out in the latest episode of Marketing Over Coffee, a weekly audio program sponsored by MarketingProfs that covers classic marketing tactics and what's new on the technology front. more
  • by Matt Dickman
    Marketers may be from Venus and IT might be from Mars, but marketers nonetheless need to understand what the IT guys are talking about. In a new series of short videos, Matt Dickman simplifies technobabble into a framework that marketers can understand. The next time IT speaks "geek," you can ... more
  • by Jeremiah Owyang
    If you're responsible for the direction of the online strategies for your company or organization, you've probably been hearing buzz about Twitter, a next-generation instant messaging tool. Even if you're new to Twitter, this article will serve as a guide to educate you to help you make a decision, by ... more
  • by Eric Frenchman
    RSS may not ever replace email as a delivery tool. But nonetheless, it will move Web site traffic, because people can use RSS readers to receive content without having to visit a site. Here's part two of a primer on RSS, and why marketers should care about it. more
  • by Eric Frenchman
    RSS may not ever replace email as a delivery tool. But nonetheless, it will move Web site traffic, because people can use RSS readers to receive content without having to visit a site. Here's a primer on RSS, and why marketers should care about it. more
  • by Hank Stroll
    Do your customers prefer to get information from email newsletters? Web sites? Blogs? Feeds? A mix? A growing number of users are relying on RSS feeds to satisfy their hunger for information. more
  • by Rok Hrastnik
    RSS is getting much media coverage. But very little is being said about the full circle of RSS marketing power. The truth is that RSS goes far beyond "simple" blogging or news delivery. RSS can be fully integrated in most marketing activities, having the power to extend them and increase ... more
  • by Rok Hrastnik
    As an alternative to email, RSS is becoming an increasingly important content delivery channel that allows marketers to deliver all of their content, fully upgrade all of their marketing initiatives and establish lasting client relationships. From direct marketing, PR, e-commerce, internal communications and online publishing to SEO, traffic generation and customer ... more
  • by Matt Blumberg
    There has been a flurry of RSS activity in the last two years, including countless startups that are hitting the new technology from every angle. These companies are doing everything they can to get RSS ready for prime time. Unfortunately, it's not quite there yet, but we're getting closer. What ... more
  • by Robbie Baxter
    Imagine a world where video, photography, text and music are all available from any device that can connect to the Internet at any time. Whether you're using your computer, iPod, television or mobile phone, you will have the information you need and the diversion you want. Such a fantasy world ... more
  • by Fergus Burns
    From press releases to event announcements and customer memos, syndicating content with RSS offers a way around spam filters and ensures that interested parties receive your company info. Still, PR and marketing professionals are slow to adopt RSS. Many of you may believe it's too difficult or too technical. Perhaps ... more

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