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Marketing Articles: Pricing

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  • Guaranteed to Make You Smile
    "Recently," writes Mark Riffey at the Business is Personal blog, "you've seen a number of major car companies offer to buy your car back if you lose your job—and that's after they make several months of payments for you." In the case of one Hyundai dealership—located in an economically depressed area—the ... more
  • Is Success on This Menu?
    The next time you dine out, take a close look at the menu—even if you already know what you want to order. The reason? Restaurants have learned a thing or two about convincing their customers to spend more money on certain dishes. "The use of menu engineers and consultants is exploding in ... more
  • The Value of SaaS Isn't Just Lower Cost
    by Peter A. Cohen
    Build a value proposition for your SaaS solution that's supported by multiple legs, because there's danger in relying on a single strategic advantage over your competitors. In other words, it's hard to sit on a one-legged stool. more
  • Hurry Up or You'll Be Sorry!
    Some companies seem addicted to email campaigns that shout breathless, time-sensitive offers. Each week, it seems, they tell subscribers about special deals that simply can't be missed—only to make a similar offer the following week. In a post at the Email Marketing Reports blog, Mark Brownlow provides a screenshot with 19 emails ... more
  • Case Study: Lessons From Martin Guitars: Three Ways to Survive a Downturn
    by Kimberly Smith
    C. F. Martin & Co. survived the Civil War, the Great Depression, and both World Wars. Inspired by its past, the guitar maker thrived in 2009. more
  • Don't Let This One Get Away!
    One notable effect of the economic downturn is the marked increase in consumer frugality. Marketers near and far are in hot pursuit of savvy pricing strategies that prod wary customers into buying. Well, here's a tactic that some researchers say is worth a try: "steadily decreasing discounting" or SDD. In a recent ... more
  • Let's Move It, People!
    It's a question that haunts B2B product retailers when sales are down: "How do we move this excess inventory?" Cutting prices, offering two-for-one deals, or announcing blow-out sales to regular clients may go only so far in a downturn. Well, take heart. In a recent post at What Works for Business, ... more
  • That's Mine! My Name's on It!
    Let's say you sell trendy furniture for family-friendly prices. What's the best way to push product and spread brand awareness? Well, you could try developing and offering: A showroom. Pros: People see products in context, and they can buy them right then and there! Cons: You don't reach potential buyers who aren't ... more
  • Bah, Humbug to the Downturn!
    Few companies have been spared the ravages of the recession, but some strategies seem to be working to help small businesses stay afloat. In a recent article at Inc., Elizabeth Wasserman suggests tactics that small retailers might employ to add some ho-ho-ho to the late-holiday sales season—and boost results in the ... more
  • Worth Every Penny
    Why would anyone drive a BMW or shop at Nordstrom when, for a fraction of the price, they could drive a Volkswagen or shop at JC Penney? "[P]eople make trade-offs in their spending," writes Dale Furtwengler in his book Pricing for Profit. "They'll pay as little as possible for things ... more
  • Over Before It Starts
    Those of us who check multiple email accounts throughout the day can hardly imagine a world in which people don't read messages as soon as they receive them. But in a post at the Retail Email blog, Chad White reports on a Pivotal Veracity study that found email recipients in August ... more
  • Penny Wise, Pound Foolish
    "Here's the scoop," writes Greg Verdino in a post at his blog. "I drive a Nissan Altima and I've been reasonably happy with it. It's neither the best car I've ever owned nor the worst, but I'm not a car guy so if it gets me from point A to ... more
  • Risky Business
    "Having an offer for your products or services that is truly risk-free might be just the ticket you need to really make a difference in your email marketing campaigns," says Janine Popick in a post at her Vertical Response blog. She points to retailers like these that generate customer loyalty and ... more
  • Free Shipping!
    Free shipping offers can cost your company a bundle, but they may produce ROI that makes them worth the expenditure. As you explore your options, you will probably be interested in a whitepaper from Experian CheetahMail that examines questions like these: Are more companies deploying free-shipping emails? ... more
  • Stay Tough, Stay Trendy
    Want to boost search results? Try benchmarking based on the latest trends, says Performics' Michael Kahn in a Chief Marketer article. An analysis by Performics of data from more than 200 paid-search programs uncovered some important shifts this past spring within many actively managed search campaigns; they could signal the ... more
  • Would You Like a Tattoo With That?
    "Hoping to keep its 119 rooms filled," writes Hugo Martín at the Los Angeles Times, "Hotel Erwin on Venice Beach is offering an unusual promotion for its countercultural clientele: an Ink and Stay package that includes $100 toward a tattoo and a bottle of tequila to numb the pain." The ... more
  • Try an Event-Driven Email
    In a post at the Email Wars blog, Dylan Boyd praises a recent message from Banana Republic. The minimalist email used simple text on an all-black background to announce an online sale that took place on 09.09.09. The copy read like this: "9 Hours Only! 20% off our favorite styles ... more
  • Frugal Consumers to Keep Retail Sales Flat
    Frugal consumers are choosing to put more of their money into their savings accounts rather than into retailers’ cash registers, which translates into a glum forecast for retailers. more
  • Retail Price and the Impact of Commodity-Price Inflation
    by Joy Joseph
    In the past year, the most fundamental of the 4 Ps of marketing (price) has rapidly risen to prominence. In a way, that is an inevitable outcome of the recent media focus on macro factors that determine the economics of demand and supply—inflation, employment, and income, to name a few. Not surprisingly, ... more
  • Stand Up to Stand Out
    According to Madison Riley and Brooks Kitchel of Kurt Salmon Associates, retailers often respond to sluggish sales by slashing prices and hoping to beat the competition on value. But there's a problem. "Contrary to the common practice of deep discounting in troubled times," they argue, "competing on compelling products is ... more
  • Tried-and-True or Just Plain Blah?
    Everywhere we look, ever since we can remember, we see that price ending: .99. But does using this just-below-a-round-number pricing system always produce optimum results for merchants? Might other pricing options produce better results? Some researchers recently took a fresh look at pricing, and their results suggest it may be time ... more
  • The Tao of Green Marketing
    by Irv Weinberg, Carolyn Parrs
    Consumers have begun to suffer from "green fatigue." It's not hard to understand why when you can buy organic gummy bears and free-range beef jerky nestled between the six-packs and the rolling paper in a convenience store. For your green message to be heard and translated into sales, you have to ... more
  • Brand-Switching: Less Risk = More Switch
    Frugal American consumers have forsaken their favorite national brands in the case of many food and household, health, and personal-care products, but they are reluctant to switch to store brands on purchases for children and pets. more
  • Navigate These Waters with Care
    In an article at MarketingProfs, Christian Shea challenges the conventional wisdom that those who maintain a robust marketing budget are more likely to power their company through the recession. "Massive consumer-based brands such as BMW, Dell, and Wal-Mart are so tied to marketing as part of their business strategies," he ... more
  • Get Lost
    June is a hectic month for bike shops, says Seth Godin in a post at his blog. "If you bring your bike in for a tune up, it will cost $39 and take a week. A week!" Those who ask for a quicker turnaround will often find they're out of ... more

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