
Topic: E-Marketing

Marketing Program / Project Mgmt Tool

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
The perennial marketing question: How to best manage and keep track of the ever-growing number of marketing programs and projects for a successful business.

Currently, we are using an overwhelming combination of Excel and Google Docs, and it's honestly getting out of hand. I'm not so much interested in the detailed task management as I am in being able to:

* Manage a master list of all of our active, planned programs
* Drill down into each to be able to see program requirements and details. Think "creative brief", not task management.
* Calendar view so I can see big picture what's active but also when things are launching

I'm really not interested in continuing this Excel debacle, and don't want to get into the beast that is MS Project.

One route I am exploring is creating a Salesforce custom object or perhaps tapping into the AppExchange. My company also has an internal wiki using Confluence & JIRA, so there may be something there for us.

Are there any tools or apps out there that I should be using?

Thanks in advance for your brilliant ideas and suggestions!

P.S. - For task management, my team is testing Flow ( We're liking the collaborative aspect, but it doesn't offer the "creative brief" info for programs nor does it offer a calendar view.
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  • Posted by peg on Accepted
    Well, that's the $64,000 question these days, isn't it?

    Two of my clients use BaseCamp, the project management offering from It has a calendar, it organizes messages and updates from all collaborators, and it can accept all the Google docs and Excel spreadsheets you've already established. It's also accessible from smart phones without the need of apps.
  • Posted by cshaffstall on Accepted
    FileMaker Pro is the best database-application around — and that's what you're doing: tracking data. You can either use add-on solutions or make your own, but either way, it's completely customizable. We've used it since 1995 for tracking all of our marketing projects, managing content and assets, and even invoicing. The server version enables everyone in your organization to be a contributor, reader, or editor depending upon the assigned roles.

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