
Topic: E-Marketing

What Function Performs E-marketing At Your Co.?

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
There are few people that have "e-marketing, SEO, SEM or social media" in their title. Given that there is still a whole lot of e-marketing going on ... what function is performing e-marketing at your company?
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  • Posted on Accepted
  • Posted by lmacdonald on Accepted
    In our company, Internet Marketing leads the charge, but Editorial executes as much as 50% of the plan.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    Generally only larger companies have the resources to have a specific person dedicated to e-marketing or similar.

    In smaller companies, it usually falls some place in marketing. But it often goes to the person who is most computer savvy, so sometimes it is done outside of marketing but is given to someone who just is best able to do it based on their skills. In a few cases, I can think of small sports manufacturers where the e-marketing is done by people in sales because they are the tech savvy ones.
  • Posted on Accepted
    It should be in the Marketing department but you should find the most skilled person and move them into that department if they are not already there. You may be surprised which employee actually is super skilled at SEO, PPC, CRM SEM, etc. I’m self-taught and have great expertise in many of these but have no formal credential and don't lead it at my organization....but I do it for my own successful home-based business. Go figger. Too many companies don’t assess and access the skills of their employees.

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