
Topic: E-Marketing

Organizational Blogging Platforms?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
My firm specializes in "high-content" communication programs for knowledge-based marketing and PR. This work encompasses an array of organizations and fields -- from the more rarified regions of technology and science to public interest nonprofits.

I have convinced virtually all of them that they should be considering the "syndication" of their insight, expertise, and street experience through blogging and RSS newsfeeds. But I am currently swamped in the details and choices.

My questions for this august group:

1) Which hosted blogging platforms and services provide the best combination of organizational branding and RSS syndication support for such organizations?

2) Which software platforms might I encourage them to use if its appropriate for them to host blogs internally?

Your insights, experiences, and totally subjective opinions are most welcome.

Michael McWilliams
Ethos Bureau
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Michael,

    Great question.

    First, kudos for convincing your clients on the merits of RSS and blogging.

    I would genuinely like to know how you did that, please shoot me an email brief.

    I don't know if I am answering #1 spot on, but the solution I have found to be the best for me and my clients has been to write my own feed in RSS/XML and then post it to my web server or theirs. The learning curve was short and it assures me the feeds are validated ( I validate them using "RSS Validator" at

    Then, I use/recommend either NewsGator at ($30 after trial) for the Outlook environment, or for a web reader I like Bloglines at (free).

    Either one of these will work equally well internally or externally.

    Contact me by clicking on my name if you want to discuss this in more detail. I am a big RSS/XML/Atom and blog advocate, and I am always interested in sharing experiences and stories.

    I hope that helps!
  • Posted by bobhogg on Accepted

    Got to confess to being a newcomer to the world of blogging myself, but I have just started to set up some blogging websites using an online software plus hosting service:

    As a novice, I have found it very easy to use and the results very professional looking.

    Assuming that many of your clients' staff members would be novices themselves, could this be a solution?

    Alternatively, the same company offers Movable Type which is software for installation on your own system:

    Good luck,

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