
Topic: E-Marketing

Dm To New Business Registrations

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Having started a new business I'd received many direct mail pieces from organizations marketing to the needs of a startup... some good, others not. In any case, I'd found value in some.

I assume that there's a subscription service to target these new business registrations. Does anyone have experience using this source? Can anyone point me to an organization that can provide this service?


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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
  • Posted on Member
    Where you look should depend on what you''re trying to accomplish--what type of product(s) or service(s) are you marketing? For certain kinds of things you could try your local chambers of commerce for nearby businesses, or you can try the Secretary of State''s office for a larger universe. And of course any commercial list broker will be able to get you this kind of stuff on local, state or national levels.

    The important thing is to know where your best prospects will be found--do you only want businesses that have gone through a formal registration process--or any one that''s come up with a name and a phone number and called itself a business? You''ll look in different places for different types.

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