
Topic: Research/Metrics

Measurement In Spite Of Clients

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Most of my clients want some form of ROI on my marketing and PR campaigns. I am an individual practitioner and do not want to invest in some costly software to measure. Clients want a magic bullet that doesn't entail surveys, or providing me with baseline sales information. What can I offer clients without breaking my bank or my back!
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    WEll, without proper info, you can't provide them anything close to accurate.

    I have several survey resources, but you stated they are not an option. And since you cannot acquire sales info, you cannot assess your marketing.

    You can state those facts and use comparisons from online and print resources regarding same or similar services.

    Try this out, it may help:

    Good Luck!

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