
Topic: Research/Metrics

Where To Find A Companies Marketing Budgets

Posted by marcom on 250 Points
Hello everyone!

I am looking to find a competitor's marketing budget for 2023 and back as many as 15 years.
I have found summary reports that the company puts out, but nothing regarding marketing spend.

I saw a question similar to mine asked in 2008, but didn't provide an answer I could do. I am looking to do the research online.

I have an urgent deadline and have spent many hours on this search. I am hopefully the community can help me out!
Many thanks!!
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Is the company publicly traded? Information may be found in their annual reports.

    But let's say you found out they spend $10k/month on their marketing. Will that justify you attempting to match their spend to your executive team? As you know, it's not simply about spending – it's how you're spending the money. Starting with targeted messaging, analytics, and research (including unmet needs) and developing your KPIs including customer lifespan and cost of acquisition. Develop your budget from the ground up to prove your spend needs and showcase ROI.

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