
Topic: Research/Metrics

Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
How long do you recommend we wait to send a post-service courtesy check email? (to make sure everything went well and to give our serviced customers a chance to give us their feedback on the service they received). 3 days following service? same day? next day? 7 days?
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  • Posted on Member
    Hi nicolew-

    You don't mention the industry you are in, and the answer to your question is somewhat dependent upon that information. In general, you will get the most accurate feedback the closer to the service experience that you survey them. However, let's say that it was car service - you might want to wait a few days so that customers can really experience the service you provided. On the other hand, if it was purchasing a product off a website, you can, and should, survey them immediately following purchase.

    Hope this helps. Good luck!

  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    Depends on what you're doing as a service. If you repair vacuum cleaners, send it the next day. Install sprinkler systems, sometime after a long drought.

    THe key is to let your customers use your service, or the repaired product, before they give you input.

  • Posted by sachpm on Member
    I would say send the survey as soon as possible after you know they have had a chance to use or evaluate the product or service. In my experience, what is more important is to be prepared to respond to any issue or less than satisfactory response from this survey.

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